First programmable computer designed
Charles Babbage designed one of the first programmable computers, but could never get it to work. One was later built later and showed his designs worked.
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ABC computer was designed and tested
first electronic digital computer that was designed to solve linear equations
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the colussus computer was used during the WW2
The colussus was the first electric digital computers that were at all programmable.
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IBM sell first computer
IBM starts to sell their first computer
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Integrated Circuit
Jack Kilby created the first INtegrated circuit,
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Space War
Was the first computer game.
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Apollo Guidance Computer
First introduced in August 1966, it helped with all the Apolo Missions.
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the first internet called ARPNET was created.
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First Email was sent
Ray Tomilnson sent the first email.
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Pong is released
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Atari Starts to sell their video game system.
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Windows 3.0
Windows 3.0 was shipped in May of 1990 it was compatible with most DOS systems.
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World Wide Web
The World Wide Web was created.
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Wolfenstien 3D
Wolfenstein was released
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Doom was released