Scientific Revolution Begins
Before Galileo was even born, the expansion of knowledge and ideas related to science started in 1543. This Revolution helped to pave the way for Galileo to become one of, if not the most famous astronomer of all time. -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo is Born
Galileo Galilei was born on February 15th, 1564. Obviously, without this event occurring I wouldn't be doing this project, and I might not have known that the Sun doesn't revolve around the Earth. -
Galileo Invents the Telescope
In 1609, Galileo created his most important invention of his life, the telescope. This machine allowed him to see into space and make key discoveries, including discovering Jupiter and Saturn's moons, and finding out about the Earth revolving around the Sun. -
Galileo Condemned by Catholic Church
After coming out with his controversial idea of Heliocentrism, the Catholic Church decided to condemn Galileo of heresy because his ideas refuted those of the Catholic Bible. This is a short term effect of Galileo, as his ideas were originally vehemently denied by the Catholics. -
Catholic Church Accepts Heliocentrism
In 1758, after hundreds of years shutting out Galileo's theory on the Sun and Earth, the Catholic Church finally dropped the general prohibition of books advocating Heliocentrism. Although this was post mordem, this victory for Galilei solidified him as one of the greatest philosophers and the greatest astronomer of all time.