Justus sustermans   portrait of galileo galilei  1636

Galileo Galilei

  • Feb 15, 1564


    Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa Italy, he was the elder brother of his 7 brothers. his family was of low nobility. He was an astronomer, philosopher, engineer, mathematician, Italian physicist who was related to the scientific revolution.
  • The pendulum

    He discovers the isochronism of the oscillations of the pendulum while observing the regularity with which a lamp oscillated in a cathedral in Pisa. Without being able to wait, when he returned to his home he took some lead balls tied to different lengths of yarn, discovering that whatever the magnitude of the oscillation or the weight of the lead, the small ball always needed the same time to complete the oscillation.
  • The hydrostatic balance (The bilancetta)

    December 17, 1585. It allows to measure the force of impulse that the fluids exert on the bodies when immersing them. It is based on the principle of Archimedes and is used to measure densities of solids and liquids. Galileo designs instruments for geometric calculations of navigators, astronomers and artillerymen that are later manufactured by Marco Antonio Mazzoleni as for example: The Sector (compass).
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    the balance and the theorems

    Galileo began to demonstrate many theorems about the center of gravity of certain solids and undertakes in 1586 the reconstruction of the hydrostatic balance of Arquímedes
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    Cycloid and the law of parabolic motion

    In 1590 and 1591, he discovered the cycloid and took advantage of its properties to draw bridge arches. In 1604 he discovers the law of uniformly accelerated movement, although he associates it with a law of erroneous velocities, and attempts to demonstrate that in the vacuum the projectiles follow parabolic trajectories.
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    The Water Thermometer (Thermoscope)

    The Water Thermometer (Thermoscope) - 1593: Consists of a glass tube that ends in a closed sphere. The open end is dipped face down into a mixture of alcohol and water, while the sphere is on top. When the liquid is heated, it rises through the tube and the temperature of the tube can be measured.
    In 1604:
    Test your water pump
    Discover the law of uniformly accelerated movement (MRUV)
    Begin observations of a nova
  • the telescope (the greatest feat of our dreamer)

    In 1609, a friend warns of the construction in Holland of a telescope that allows to see distant objects and stars invisible to the naked eye. With this unique description, Galileo invents his first refractor telescope that, unlike the Dutch telescope, does not deform the objects, increases them 6 times (doubling the increase of the Dutch telescope), obtaining in turn a right image thanks to the use of a lens divergent in the eyepiece.
  • The four moons of Jupiter

    Galileo observed Jupiter's moons for the first time on January 7, 1610 through a homemade telescope. At first he thought that it was three stars close to Jupiter, which formed a line that crossed the planet. The next night, these stars seemed to have moved in the wrong direction, which caught their attention. Galileo continued to observe these stars and Jupiter during the following week. On January 11, a fourth star appeared.
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    the incorruptibility of heaven

    n 1618 three comets are observed, which revive the controversy about the incorruptibility of the sky. Galileo will again be involved in several disputes with Jesuits and cardinals. But he will also be compensated since in 1621 he becomes consul of the Florentine Academy. Galileo becomes the representative of the intellectual circles of rebellion against the intellectual and scientific conformism imposed by the Jesuits.
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    the Galilean books

    In 1628 he became seriously ill and was about to die. Finally, he survives and dedicates the following 3 years to writing his work Dialogue on the main systems of the world and trying to pass it the censorship since it ridiculed the geocentric system. Many scholars believed that Galileo was the victim of a plot by the Jesuits.
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    Lose sight

    From 1633 to 1638 Galileo remains at home in Florence. There he will write his last book Discourses on two new sciences where he establishes mechanics as a new science and marks the end of Aristotelian physics. On July 4, 1637, his right eye stopped seeing and in 1638 he lost his sight.
  • Death

    After losing his sight, he will move near the sea to his home in San Giorgio where he will remain until his death, surrounded by disciples and still working on astronomy and science. Finally on January 8, 1642 Galileo dies in Arcetri with 78 years. In the church of Santa Cruz de Florencia a mausoleum will be erected in his honor on March 13, 1736.