Feb 15, 1564
On february 15, 1564 Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia Ammannati gave birth to their first son Galileo Galilei. His father, Vincenzo Galilei was a teacher of music. Galileo's mother, Giulia who was born in Pescia, married Vincenzo in 1563. Galileo was born in Pisa and grew up during a time period called the Renaissance.This event is significant because Galileo Galilei would grow up to be the “Father of Modern Science” (GalileoGalilei). -
Jan 1, 1581
Law of Pendulum
In 1581 when Galileo was seventeen he entered the University of Pisa. His father hoped he would study medicine but, Galileo began his study of Pendulum. it was not until 1602 that Galileo made his most notable discovery. This event is significant because it lead Galileo to his further studies of the time inturnals and the development of the pendulum clock (Galileo and the Pendulum). -
Edict of Nates
In 1598 the Edict of Nantes was issued by Henry IV. The document granted a large measure of religious liberty to the Huguenots (peasants). It permitted protestants to hold public worships and also granted them civil rights. This event is significant because on October 18, 1685 Louis XIV revoked the Edict and deprived the French protestants of all religious and civil liberties. The revocation led to a mass emigration of huguenots to england and other countries (Edict of Nantes) -
Samuel De Champlain
In 1604 Champlain set out with Pierre Dugua de Mons. Champlain being a cartographer he was given the responsibility to search the coast for an ideal place to settle. He was also required to to act as a diplomat when dealing with the natives. When Dugua left Champlain stayed to build a settlement with the natives, known as modern day Quebec. This event is significant because Champlain developed a vast trade network by forming alliances with the Montagnais of St. Lawrence (First Voyage to Canada). -
In 1607 the colony Jamestown was sponsored by the Virginia Company of London. At first governed by a consul of seven with one member serving as a president. Later in 1608 John Smith took control of the colony. The significance of this event is that Jamestown was the first permanent american colony (A History of Jamestown). -
The Telescope
In 1609 Galileo first pointed his new telescope seaward and saw galleys that could only be seen by the naked eye hours later. Only a few days later he improved the magnification greatly. The Serene Ruler learned about Galileo's improvments and offered him a double in salary. In late Novemeber he increased the magnifigation by 400 times. The significance of this event is Galileos mathimatical approach to physics was revolutionary and before his time (Reston90). -
Starry Messenger
In 1610 Galileo published his discovery of the lunar surface and the moons of Jupiter in a series of newsletters entitled “The Starry Messenger”. Galileo was rewarded for his efforts. As Europe's intellectual gaped, the catholic church squirmed. Galileo went to Rome in 1611 were a fellow astronomer confirmed his discoveries. The significance of this event is that Galileo had reached a peak of fame as one of Europe's truly great minds (The Starry Messenger). -
The Church's Warning
In 1616 the church decided that they were not going to sit back and let Galileo ridicule them. A decree was ordered which did not mention Galileo by name. Galileo was privately warned to abandon his studies, though he was not forbidden to teach them as hypotheses. Nevertheless Galileo's enemies still spread false reports about this event. The significance of this event is that Galileo was threatened to be imprisoned many times but he never stopped his studies (Chronology of Events). -
30 years War
In 1642 a war broke out between various nations for various reasons. Most of the armies were mercenaries, many of whom could not collect their pay. The armies of both armies plundered as they marched, leaving cities, towns, villages and farms. The war ended in 1648. The significance of this event is the essential structure of modern Europe as a community of sovereign states were established (Thirty Year War). -
Lord Baltimore
In 1634 King Charles I of England granted a charter to George Calvert- the first Lord Baltimore. He named the territory Maryland in honor of Henrietta Maria. The religious conflict was very big, England tried to revoke the religious freedoms. Maryland’s governor responded by passing an act ensuring religious freedom. The significance of this event because catholic immigrants to America chose Baltimore to protect their religious freedom (The Settlement of Maryland). -
The Trial
In 1632 Galileo tried to delay and move his trial to Florence so he wouldn't have to travel. Threats by the church brought Galileo to Rome in 1633. On April 12th Galileo was led before the inquisition judge. The trial lasted for more than two months. On June 22nd Galileo was sentenced house arrest in Florence. The significance of this event Galileo was tried for and found guilty by the church, only for the church to recant their commendation of Galileo in the 1990s (Hightower 84-91). -
On June 22, 1633 Galileo stood before Cardinal Vincenzo Maculano- the inquisition jude. Galileo was sentenced to life in a prison in Rome. But because of Galileo's great age and poor health the very next day his sentenced was changed to house arrest in his home in Florence, The significance of this event is that While living out his sentence under house arrest, Galileo continued to write even though that's what nearly got him in jail (Hightower 91). -
Completely Blind
In 1638 Galileo went completely blind due to his studies of the Sun. When Galileo was 45 he looked through a telescope at the sun during sunset. That is how he damaged his eyes. Many years later at the age of 72. The significance of this event is that solar observation is very dangerous. As far as Galileo goes, he was smart and careful enough to manage his studies and save his eyesight as long as he could (The Cause of Galileo's Blindness). -
Discorsi Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a due Nuove Scienze
In 1638 after his trial, his incessant curiosity would not let him abandon his studies. The book described the matter as made up of atoms. The book basically all of the knowledge he acquired in his lifetime. The significance of this event is even though he had just been sentenced and put under house arrest and still did not stop his studies (Discorsi Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a due Nuove Scienze). -
On January 8th 1642 Galileo did in his home in Florence. At the age of 77 he filled his life with many risk, many fantastic discoveries that changed the world. The significance of this event is that he made discoveries and is know as the “Father of Modern Science” (Astronomer Galileo Dies) -
English Civil War
In 1642 the English Civil War began. It took place in British Isles between supporters of the monarchy. Charles I raised an army and was ready to fight. But it ended in 1651 with the flight of Charles II to France. This event if significant because while ideas first mooted during the 1640’s particularly about religious toleration and limitations on power, have survived to this day.