Feb 15, 1564
Birth of Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei was born on Feburary 15, 1564 in Pisa, Italy to father Vincenzo Galilei and mother Giulia di Cosimo Ammannti. Galileo was born the oldest out of seven children. His father Vincenzo Galilei owned exceptional talents for music and mathematics which led him to write many books and become mathmatics teacher.
This event is signifigant because Galieo Galilei would grow to become a famous historical figure in science and technology.
Source(Hightower 5) -
Apr 23, 1564
On April 23,1564 William Shakespeare is born to wealthy parents John and Mary Shakespeare in Stratford, United Kingdom. This event is signifigant because William Shakespeare would become one of the most well-known authors and playwriters in history.
Source(Grun 248) -
Jan 1, 1575
Galileo's family grew up on the poorer side of society however Galileo's father Vincenzo wanted his son to have a good education despite the cost. So in 1575 when Galileo was at the age of ten was sent to study at Saint Maria Vallombrosa.
This event is significant because Vincenzo allowed Galileo to start his education.
Source(Hightower 10) -
Jan 1, 1581
University of Pisa
Galieo showed intelligence and knowledge at a young age and Vincenzo did not want him wasting his intelligence so he enrolled Galileo in The University of Pisa to study as a doctor. And in 1583 he made one his first important inventions.
This event is signifigant because the University of Pisa is where Galileo Galilei would create his first meaningful invention.
(Hightower 14) -
Ivan the terrible
On March 18, 1584 Russian czar Ivan VI Vasilyevich more commonly known as Ivan the Terrible died. He was succeeded by his son Feodor I. Ivan was known for his mental instbility. During the time of his reign Ivan created a secret police to terrorize the Russian nobles and he killed hundreds of people.
This event is significant because it ended the nightmarish reign of Ivan the Terrible and allowed Russia to become more modern. Source: (Grun 258) -
Edict of Nantes
On April 30, 1598 the Edict of Nantes was signed by Henry IV. The Edict of Nantes granted limited religious tolerance and civil unity to the French Huguenots.
This event is significant because it gave the Huguenots much needed rights and freedoms and it slowed down the French monopoly.
Source: (Grun 266) -
The telescope
In 1609 Galileo Galilei built one of the first scientifical telescopes. Galileo used a concave and convex lense and placed them at either end of a small organ pipe. Later that year Galileo presented his discovery to the senate of Venice.
This is significant because Galileo would later make great discoveries and he improved the telescope for the better.
Source: (Heightower 49) -
The Starry Messenger
In March 1610 Galileo published his famous book 'The Starry Messenger' in Latin. The book included Galileo's discoveries of the night sky and included drawings and diagrams. Galileo published the book in Latin so that it would convey to many countries. It reached across the east all the way to China nearly five years after its publication. This is important because the book allowed Galileo to share his discoveries across the world.
Source: (Fermi 63) -
Galileo visits Rome
In 1611 Galileo visits Rome. Galileo wanted to demonstrate his improvments on the telescope.
This is significant because Galileo was able to spread his new and improved inventions.(Heightower) -
The Mayflower
In 1620 the Pilgrims landed on the coast of present day Plymouth-Rock Massachusetts. The Pilgrims were originally from England before they were kicked for practicing a diffrent form of catholic religion. Back then practicing a religion other than the English catholic chruch was strictly forbidden, so the pilgrims were sent to England.
This is significant because the Pilgrim's colony would be the start of a new country. Source:(Grun 278) -
The Dialogue
In 1630 Galileo published one of his last major books called 'The Dialogue Concerning the Two Cheif World Systems'. The book talked about the two main astronomical theories during the 1600's. It included descriptions of each system with diagrams and drawings some of which were his own.
'The Dialouge' would not only be an eye-opener but also Galileo's downfall. It would catch the attention of the church.
(Heightower) -
The Catholic Church
Galileo was asked to meet with the Church Officers, however there were many failed attempts before he was finally brought before the Inquisition. The Church was unhappy about the way Galileo critized and attempted to prove the Church's astronomical system wrong. At the time the Catholic Church was a major power in society and the church didn't want to lose followers. The church would not let Galileo get away with trying to prove them wrong and eventually try to silence him for good (Heightower). -
House Arrest
In 1632 after meeting with the Inquisition Galileo was convicted of heresy and put under house arrest for the remainder of his life. Galileo was sent to serve his house arrest near his home in Florence, Italy.
Galilio would spend the last few years of his life in his home in Florence, Italy despite all of his medical issues.
(Heightower) -
Roger Williams
Roger Williams was kicked out of Massachusetts in 1635 because he had different religious beleifs. In 1636 he founded Rhod Island. He created Rhod Island as a place for religious freedom.
Rhod Island is part of the original 13 colonies and it became a place for people to practice their religion freely. (Grun 288) -
English civil war
1642 was the start of the English Civil War. The war was between the Royalists who were loyal to the king versus the Roundheads of Oliver Cromwell.
The significance of the English Civil War was the end of the English monarchy and it gave all power to the English parliment. (Grun 290) -
Galileo's death
Galileo died in 1642 at the age of 77 years old. By the time of his death he was already completly blind. Galileo was buried in the Basilica and had a statue built in his honor.
Galileo changed science and astronomy during his lifetime and is remembered to this day for his contributions. (Heightower)