Feb 15, 1564
Galileo is born
Period: Feb 15, 1564 to
Gslileo's life time
Feb 19, 1564
Galileo is baptized in the cathedral of Pisa
Galileo worte a book called "The Little Balance"
Galileo's daughter Virginia is born
Galileo's second daughter Livia is born
Galileo created his own telescope
Galileo studies about the moon
He found out the moon is not perfectly a spere. There are some holes on the surface -
Galileo observed the Milky Way
Galileo discovered the Milky WAy is made out of a lots of stars -
Galileo discovered Ganymede
Ganymede is the largest moon of Jupitar -
Galileo wrote "The Starry Messenger"
Galileo observed Saturn's ring
Confirmed that Venus goes through phrases like moon
Galileo proves the Sun is a sphere
Galileo dicovered Neptune
His daughter Virginia dies
Galileo's right eye become blind
Galileo becomes completely blind
Galileo died