Feb 18, 1564
Galileo is born in Pisa
Jan 1, 1574
Galileo and his family move to Florence
Jun 1, 1581
Galileo enrolls in the University of Pisa to gain a degree in medicine
Galileo leaves the University of Pisa without any degree
Galileo hired as a math teacher at the University of Pisa
Galileo's father dies
Galileo continues to teach in Pisa and in that time, makes his famous velocity experiment
Galileo takes post at the University of Padua
Invents a pump driven by horses.
Invents a "geometric and military compass," also known as a sector
Begins to have a relationship with Marina Gamba.
Galileo's first daughter, Virginia, is born in Padua by Marina Gamba
Galileo's second daughter, Livia, is born by Marina
His machine to lift water is tried in the garden of the Contarini house in Padua.
Galileo observes the new star,supernova, for the first time
Birth of Galileo's third child, a son
News of the invention of the telescope reaches Italy so Galileo develops his own
Galileo makes his first observations using his telescope, discovers uneven surface of the moon.
Galileo discovers four moons orbiting Jupiter
Galileo leaves Padua to take a new, more lucrative position in Tuscany
Galileo travels to Rome, where he meets the Jesuit astronomers and Pope Paul V
Father Tommasso Caccini denounces Galileo to the Inquisition
Cardinal Bellarmine orders Galileo to cease in his support of heliocentricity
Galileo leaves Rome
Galileo goes to Rome
Cardinal Bellarmine dies
Galileo's, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, is published in Florence
Urban VIII becomes Pope; Galileo visits him in Rome
Galileo's, The Assayer, is published thanks to Urban VIII's approval
Galileo starts working on Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
Galileo finishes his work on the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems in Florence
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems is published in Florence
Inquisition bans anymore printing of the Dialogue
Galileo summoned to Rome
Galileo arrives in Rome
Galileo is interrogated and is sent to be imprisoned in the Vatican for three weeks.
Galileo is interrogated again, and is allowed to return to the home of the Tuscan ambassador
The goes to his third interrogation where he begs for mercy.
He goes to his final interrogation.
Galileo is charged for heresy, forced to say his errors, and is sentenced to imprisonment for a period that they were allowed to decide.
Galileo is allowed to return to the village of Arcetri and lives under house arrest
Galileo's eyesight begins to give out.
Galileo's Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences is published in Holland.
Death of Galileo