Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei is born
Galileo is born on Februrary 15, 1564 in pisa. His father is Vincenzo Galilei. His mother is Giulia(Hightower 8). -
Jan 1, 1574
Gilileo begins education
Galileo begins studing latin, greek, logic and reason at the age of ten. He studies at the monastery at santa maria vallombrosa. Galileo was taught by monks. This is important because this is the beginning of a life of education for Galileo(Hightower 9-10). -
Jan 1, 1580
Ivan the Terrible
Ivan the Terrible kills his son and heir in 1580(Grun 256). -
Plague Kills People in England
Plague kills 15000 people in London in 1592(Grun 263). -
English Army Bow
The English army abandons Bow as their weapon of war(Grun 265). -
Sir Walter Raleigh arrested
Sir Walter Raleigh arrested for suspected complicity in the main plot which fought to dethrone king James I(Grun 268). -
Galileo invents the pulsilogium
Galileo invents this by observing a swing lamp at church. This invention has a small pendelum suspended on a string where the upper end is attached to a scal marked diagnostic. By swinging the string while counting someones heart beat gave you someones exact heart beats per minute. This is important because it was Galileo's biggest invention to the world of medicine(Swisher 82). -
Galileo invents telescope
Galileo was not the first to invent the telescope but he improved upon it. Galileo's telescope had a conclave lense at one end and a convex lense at the other which made it far better than Lippershey's telescope. With this invention Galileo got a salary raise and a permanent position at the university of Padua. This is important because it was Galileo's most important invention that lead to his discovery of other moons and Earths place in the solar system(Hightower 45-46). -
Galileo publishes The Starry Messenger
The Starry Messenger by Galileo Galilei was published in 1610. This book contained all of galileo's discoveries. All of which were about the objects in the universe at the time. This is important because it was the first published book by Galileo.(Hightower 53). -
Galileo and the Copernican theory
Galileo uses his telescope invention to look at other objects in the sloar system. He looks at venus and see's the phases it goes through just like the moon. Galileo concludes that the sun is the center not the Earth. This is important because it was one of Galileo's biggest acheivments and also lead to his trial(Swisher 98). -
Discovery of moons on other planets
Galileo looks at Jupiter one night through a telescope and notices there were 3 smaller stars near it. The next night he noticed they had moved. These werent stars Galileo realized they were moons. This is important because it was the first of Galileo's biggest discoveries with his telescope(Hightower 49-51). -
First successful colony in americas founded in virginia in 1612(Grun 275). -
First Slaves in Americas
First slaves come to the Americas to work on plantations. Slaves from Africa(Grun 279). -
Galileo's sentencing
On June 22, 1633 Galileo was guilty of heresey towards the church. His punishment was he could not publish his book on the copernican theory and to live under house arrest until the church felt was enough. Also he had to recite the seven penitential psalms once a week for the next three years and preform a public abjuration of his view on the copernican theory. This is important because this is what happened to Galileo for his teaching of the Copernican theory(Nardo 72-76). -
Galileo dies
Galileo Galilei dies on January 8, 1642 in his home under house arrest. Galileo dies from an infection in his right eye. He was 78 years old(Hightower 97-99). -
Church accepts beliefs
On October 31, 1992 the church finally accepts Galileo's views. Until this date they rejected his Copernican theory. The church sentenced him to house arrest for this where he went on to die. This is important because it took the church along time to finally accept Galileo's view(Hightower 102).