Feb 15, 1564
Galileo was born
Galileo was born on February 15 , 1564 in Pisa Italy. He was the oldest of seven childeren. His fsather was a musician and wool trader, who wanted his son to study medicine because of the amount of money he would recieve from doing it. -
Oct 7, 1571
Battle of Lepanto in Greece ends turkish sea power in medditterainan.
The battle took place on Oct. 7,1571. When a fleet of the holy leauge , a coalition of southern european catholic martime states decisivly defeated the main fleet of the ottoman Empire in 5 hours of fighting on the northern edge of the gulf of Cornith, off western greece. -
Jan 1, 1581
Entered the University of Pisa to study medicne
Galileo entered the University of Pisa to study medicine. His father wanted him to study medicine because that was where the money was. He would have earned more mony studying medicine than doing anything. -
Wrote his first paper about science
Galileo wrote his first scientific paper.Galileos studies attrackted the attention of a wealthy nobleman marchese Guidobaldo del Montre. He served as Galileos patron giving him money to continue his experiments and his writings. -
Spanish Armada defated by weather and the english fleet
The Spanish found that the weather in the channel could not be relied on, even in the Summer. Further the spanish expected to be able to easliy destroyed the englsh navy to make ferruing their army across to English easy,but frusterated with Europes tactics -
Took a position for mathmatics
He had time to work on his expirements and his mathmatics. Durning this time he was a professour at the University of Pisa,Galileo began to question the therios of Aristotle. -
He builds his own telescope
Galileo observes the nights sky with a telescope for the first time. He mad several important scientific discoveries. -
Henry Hudson's voyage
At the helm of his ship the discovery, he stayed to the north, some claim he deliberatly stayed too far southern Dutch-founded voyage reaching iceland on May 11, the south of greenland on june 4. -
Visits Rome and demonstartes the telescope and his discoveries
Galileo visits rome and shows them how to use the telescope. it was the first time he had shown someone his creation. He also for the first time showed his passion for astronomy. -
Thirty year war between German Catholic ans Protostents
The thirty year war was faught primarily in what is now Germany, and at various points involved most countrys in Europe. It was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in Euopean history. The conflicts lasted , unceasing, for thirty years, making t the longest modern day war. -
The Dialouge was published
Upon publication, the Dialouge is seized and Galileo is ordered to appear before Church officials in rome. -
Shakespeare publishes his frst book
He printed his book on 1632 it was called the "first folio" -
Galileo appars before church officials in Rome
Galilo was convinced of heresy because of his defense of copernation therios. He returns to Florance where he is placed under permanant house arrest. -
Foundation of Harvard
Harvard is one of the most sucessful schools in the country. It is one of the top schools and one of the hardest to get into. Harvard is also one of the oldest schools created. It has been around for many years and will contine to be that way. -
Galileos death
Galileo was a very famouse astronomer who accomplished a lot in his life time. He invented the telescope and sar the stars up close for the first time. He studied many things an his life time and was a very important to the American History. -
Catholic church recognizes the error against Galileo
The Catholic church recognizes the error of its decision against Galileo and amits there mistakes in uttin him under perminant house arrest during his trials.