Feb 15, 1564
Galileo's Birth
Galileo is born in Pisa, Italy -
Sidereus Nuncius
Galileo publishes his book, Sidereus Nuncius, or The Starry Messenger, which describes his observations that he made with his telescope. -
First Trial
Galileo is tried for teaching the ideas of Heliocentrism. The Inquisition finds these ideas to be heretical. Galileo is also banned from teachg or writing about these ideas. (Dates for the month and day are inaccurate) -
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
Galileo publishes another book which is allowed by the Inquisition. It compares the Copernican Theory to the Ptolemaic System. (Dates for the month and day are inaccurate) -
Second Trial
After Galileo publishes the Diaglogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, he tried again. Galileo is put on house arrest until his death. (Dates for the month and day are inaccurate) -
Galileo's Death
Galileo died in Arcetri, Italy, at the age of 78.