Gage McCoy

By gage94
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott sued for his freedom. ten years later his case was brought to the Supreme Court and the court ruled that slaves and those slaves that were already free could never be a US citizen.
  • Lincoln Assassination

    Lincoln Assassination
    5 days after confederate General Robert E. Lee surendered. John Wilkes Booth went up behind president licoln and fatally shot him in the head killing our beloved President.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    This act, signed by FDR provided a payment to the elderly after they retired. Most people had lost their money in the depression so this was done to aid those people.
  • McCarthy Hearings

    McCarthy Hearings
    Joesph McCarthy with his attacks on the Army in the fall of 1953 led to the first televised hearings in U.S. history. Known as the Army-McCarthy hearings.
  • Gideon v Wain Wright

    Supreme Court ruled unanimously that state courts are required under the 14th Admendment to provide counsel to criminal cases for defendents that could not afford an attorney
  • Civil Rights of Act

    Civil Rights of Act
    Act signed in to law by President Lyndon B. Johnson July 2, 1964 to end racial discremination in public accommodations,ending segragation in schools and the right to vote for all races.
  • Watergate Affair

    Watergate Affair
    on June 17, 1972 robbers were arrested for breaking into the watergate building. but these robbers were working for President Nixon to help him with his election campaign.
  • Reagan's "Tear Down this Wall"

    President Reagan's speech to Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev asking for the tear down of the Berlin Wall on the 750th anniversary of the Berlin Wall.
  • Clinton Impeachment

    Clinton was impeached by the House of Represenatives on two charges. One for perjury and the other obstruction of justice. Two more charges were brought up another for perjury and one abuse of power in the White House brought on by the Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones law siuts.
  • Health and Affordability Act

    President Obama signed into law the Health and Affordability Act. Given Americans the chance for all to afford health care for themselves and their familes.