Gabbi's Timeline

  • The Italian Wave

    The Italian Wave
    From 1890- 1914, 4 million Italians came to the United States for a better life.
  • Bureau of Immigration

    Bureau of Immigration
    Legislation established the Bureau of Immigration within the Treasury Department and made polygamists, those afflicted with a loathsome or the diseased, and those convicted of a crime involving "moral turpitude disqualified for immigration
  • Ellis Island is open!

    Ellis Island is open!
    Opened the doors of Ellis Island for all immigrants to come to America. Over 12 million migrating people entered the country using this port.
  • First Quota Act

    First Quota Act
    The first Qutoa Act was passed because the United States wanted to limit the amount of Immigrants coming into America. Immigrants then had to take a literacy test and succesfully pass it plus a 50 cent tax per person.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island closed it's port to all Immigrants.