Jackson's little plan to cheat to the election is going better then he thought
Gabbie's friends signed her up to run for student council president
That Keith is trying to convince the school board or something to cut the tech club and have all the money go to the gamer club
That it has been 4 months since Gaby and Jackson have talked and Donald Greene (Jacksons dad) wants him to ask Gaby to the dance
Are keith and dr.kelsey up to something...
do gaby jackson still like each other
Jackson Talkes with Kieth
Jackson decides to talk with Kieth. -
Dr Kelsey got more suspicous
Jackson talks with Dr Kelsey and dad he got more suspicous. -
Jackson sends everyone one a email saying that if you don't want keith to become president then come to the meeting
Jackson had his meeting which was held in Hashemi shed
it is clear that jackson and gabby still like each other
we think that lynne might get jealous that gabby and omar are dating
jackson broke into dr.kelseys office
bradley got in trouble...
Bradley got caught by mrs Goldburg. -
Jackson and Hashemi and Charlie broke into the school
They wanted to get to the scantron machine. -
That Gaby doesn´t want Lynne on the Election team thing anymore.
Keith stole all of Jacksons election stuff in his shed.
Keith wants to come to a truce with Jackson
Filling out ballots
Today the students of middle school were filling out the ballots for president. Kieth will do anything to beat Gaby. -
Kieth talks
Today Kieth talked with Dr. Kelsey. He was going to pay Kelsey to let him win. That is cheating. Kieth must be to wimpy to do things on his own. -
hashemi likes megan...
everything might not work out for keith
today they had the election
Dr. Kelsey can't find Jackson
Gaby invited Jackson over to play basketball and bake with her mom.
Gaby won the election