GA and US Comparative History

  • GA was founded

    Georgia was founded as a place for a place for the British to hold in debt prisoners from London that were in debt. Another purpose for Georgia was to be a buffer and to protect other states such as South Carolina from invasion and attack from Florida.
  • Board of Trustees (GA)

    The Georgia Board of Trustees was formed by King George to be the governing body to oversee the colony as they were more than 3000 miles away. They governed for 20 years. James Oglethorpe was an overseer.
  • 1st banishment of slavery (GA)

    James Oglethorpe makes an attempt to banish slavery but this attempt would not last. They banned it because it was not in their social and economic intentions. It was one of the only states to do this at this time
  • Declaration of Independence (US)

  • Battle of Kettle Creek (GA)

    Battle fought in Wilkes County. Patriots defeated the loyalist on the way to fight in Augusta. By the Patriots winning it proved that the British could not control that region of GA.
  • Savannah becomes the capital of Georgia

    Savannah was strategically a port city. It was considered the first capital of Georgia. Also was known as Georgia's first planned city founded by James Oglethorpe.
  • George Washington was elected as the first President of the United States

  • The US Slave Act was passed

  • The Cotton Gin (GA)

    Eli Whitney patented the Cotton Gin. The Cotton Gin was created to speed up the process of removing seeds from cotton. Gave slave owners an opportunity to still have a reason to own slaves because by being more efficient the was more production and that required more people.
  • The Gold Rush (GA)

    The Georgia Journal announced that Gold was found in the mines of North Georgia. This cause a mass flooding of people to the north mountains in seek of gold. Was the beginning of what would force native Americans from their homes and begin the Trail of Tears.
  • Trail of Tears (US)

  • The Panic of 1837 (US)

  • Slave Codes of Georgia

    Georgia passes new slave laws these laws treated people of color like they were not part of the United States. They portrayed fear and oppressed black people from teach, learning to read or write.
  • Compromise of 1850 (US)

  • GA Succeeds from the Union

    GA Succeeds from the Union in response to the republican, mainly Abraham Lincoln's view on antislavery. Georgia wanted to keep the state how it was due to their need of slave labor.
  • Confederate States of America Formed (US)

  • The Civil War Begins (US)

  • Abraham Lincoln elected as President (US)

  • Battle of Chickamauga (GA)

    First major battle fought in the war of Georgia. Pushed the union army back and did not let them proceed further south.
  • Sherman's March (GA)

    Union General Sherman's march to the sea from Atlanta to Savannah as a political move During the Civil War. His scorched earth policy is where he burned crops and industrial buildings along the way.Was said to be a key component of ending the war.
  • Jim Crow Laws Established (US)

  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders (US)

  • Civil War Ends (US)

  • Battle of Columbus (GA)

    Was known as he final phase of the American Civil War for the Union campaign. General Wilson Seeks to burn the city down to ruin the economy. This fight was for a stance against Robert E Lee whom Wilson did not know had surrendered.
  • GA readmitted into the Union (US)

  • The Ku Klux Klan Starts (GA)

    As a political move after the civil war, against any one that did not fit their description. The group targeted other races by burning and killing. Was a result of not favoring the republican views of rights of African Americans.
  • Coca Cola Invented (GA)

    Invented in Atlanta originally as a temperance drink to replace alcohol. It also was a patented medicine. Colonel John Pemberton whom was addicted to morphine because of a wound from the civil war used it to fight his addiction.
  • Atlanta Race Riots (GA)

    Mobs of white people destroyed homes and killed black people. This lasted over the course of 2 days. It was rumored that these riots were a result of allegations of African Americans assaulting white women.
  • Boll Weevil (GA)

    The Boil Weevil infest millions of crops. It was said to have targeted Georgia's main source of economy cotton. Caused what would later be known as the great migration.
  • Catholic Laymens Association (GA)

    Catholic Layman's Association was founded in GA. Created due to the spreading of false information outside of their beliefs. Was the platform for the Catholic's to explain their beliefs.
  • American Antiquities Act (US)

  • Stock Market Crash (US)

  • The Great Depression (US)

  • Governor Talmadge elected (GA)

    Talmadge was elected as governor for the democratic party. Talmadge had strong views against race relations. Supported segregation. Used the Klan to secure votes
  • New Deal (GA)

    Na new Plan to rebuild the suffering economy was created. Brought about many jobs to the economy like highway construction and health care. Talmadge disapproved as this was a way to allow black people to advance.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (GA)

    was formed by African Americans in Atlanta. The first President was Martin Luther King Jr. Was formed to be a non violent direct action towards making the buses not segregated.
  • Flu Pandemic (US)

  • Snow Storm 1960 (US)

  • John F. Kennedy Elected President (US)

  • First US Voyage to Space (US)

  • President Kennedy Assassinated (US)

  • I Have a Dream Speech in D.C (US)

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated (US)

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Funeral (GA)

    Martin Luther King Jr. funeral was held i Atlanta at Ebenezer Baptist Church. One of two services to honor this civil rights leader. Atlanta was his hometown. He had also served as Pastor there.
  • Lawsuit (GA)

    A lawsuit was filed by the United States Justice Department. Requiring the schools to integrate. It was the first federal suit against the states education department.
  • Jimmy Carter elected Governor (GA)

    Jimmy Carter from the city of Plains was elected the 76th Governor
  • Watergate Scandal

  • Pacman the Arcade Game was created (US)

  • 1980 Atlanta Child Murders

    Atlanta child murders took place over a couple of months. Around 28 children were murdered and some adults. Wayne Williams was arrested and sentenced for the adult murders but maintained his plea of not guilty as far as the children.
  • The First MLK Jr Holiday was celebrated