G.A modern History

  • slavery

    is when people are treated as property
  • missouri compromise of 1820

    kept the balance between free slave also a linewas drawn missouri sothen border
  • secession

    it is when two diffrent groups have two diffrent opoins
  • Nullification crisis

    nullification is the idea voiding and not follwin national laws
  • compromise of 1850

    a series of congtrsssinal laws intended to settle the major disagreements betwwen free states and slave states
  • compromise of 1850

    california would be a free state
  • kansas nebraska act

    this gave kanan and nebraska choices wheather they want to be a slave state or free state
  • dred scott case

    the case ruled againt scott
  • election of 1860

    as the nation headed towards the election of 1860 the issue of slavery raised tension to the breaking point
  • WW1

    war between north and south
  • antietam

    was the bloodest 1 day battle in u.s history
  • emacipation proclamaton

    was wrote by lincoln it made slaves in the areas in rebellia would be free
  • Getty burg

    was a turning point because aberham lincoln wrote the emancipation proclimation
  • chickamauga

    conferderate braxton bragg defeated union forces at chickamauga
  • civil war

    slavery was the main reason for the civil war
  • freedmens bureau

    helps poor black and white people
  • 13 amendment

    abolished slavery
  • adersonville

    was a town that captured union solders amd put them into prision
  • the Ku Klux Klan

    the kkk was a terrorist organization that frighten those it considred enemies
  • 14 amenment

    all persons born or naturalized in the U.S become citizens also civil rights
  • henry mc turner

    was a black legislator
  • bourbon triumvirate

    a triumvirate is ruling group of 3 people
  • 15 amendment

    rights to vote
  • share cropping

    a freedman or poor white cntracted to work plot of land for the landowner
  • jim crow law

    before civil war the system of slavery had effectedtively separated the races after the war southern states passed laws to keep them separated
  • booker t washington

    a teacher and early leader for racial equality made speeches in which he saig african americans should focuse on edu
  • plessy v. ferguson

    that separate but equal facilities were not unconstitutional
  • disfranchisement

    means depriving a person of one the right of citizenship such as the rights to vote
  • boll weevil

    was a bug that eat ate cotten and cause the farmers to can what they grow also caused money problems
  • leo frank case

    a guy who was lenche cause of a girl
  • great depression

    a period lasting from 1929 to 1941 during which the u.s ecnomy was servere decline and millions ofamericans were unemployed
  • rural electrifiction

    most people living in urban areas of the county had access to electricity
  • new deal

    program to fight the depression
  • AAA

    the aaa provides cash payments to farmers who reduced the number of acres they planted or the size of their herds
  • civilian conservation corps

    ccc workers planted trees restocked lakes and river
  • social security

    this act workers and employers made payments into special fund
  • william b. hartsfield

    was a known for the atlanta home base of delta air line
  • WW2

    fought aginst japan
  • lend lease

    it gave roosevlt the power to lend or rent military goods
  • pearl habor

    japanese war planes stged a suprise attack on U.S
  • holocaust

    was the killing of jews
  • ellis arnall

    he made sweeping chages that moderized G.A
  • racial violence

    most white men lynch african americans
  • 1996 olympics

    was were us gained most of there respect
  • Sherman march to sea

    was to strik fear to the south people to convience them to stop fighting
  • M.L.K

    was a civil rights spokesmen
  • ivan allen jr

    was most known for bringing major league sports team
  • major league sports

    were professional teams
  • brown v.s bored of ed

    separate but equal was found unconstitutional
  • SNCC

    was students who fougt for there rights using non-violent protest
  • states rights

    certainprivileged that states possess to govern themselves without interference from the federal government
  • jimmy crter

    was the worst president in history