FW Journey to Nursing

  • Want to be a doctor since childhood

    I kept saying to my mother I want to be a doctor when I grow up since childhood.
  • Came to USA

    Thinking the opportunity door is opening for me
  • Community college

    Started taking classes at the community college
  • Transferred to Cal Poly Pomona University

    made decision to get my B.S in chemistry thinking to use this degree to get in Medicine school.
  • Graduation

    Got my B.S in Chemistry from Cal Poly University of Pomona
  • Worked with United Nation

    Started working with United Nation as Consultant
  • Phlebotomy lisence

    Needed some medical background to apply for Medical school, so I started Phlebotomy program.
  • Applied Medical school

    Unfortunately could not qualify the loan for MD program.
  • Start working with Quest Diagnostics Lab

    started working with Quest Diagnostics lab as phlebotomist.
  • Decided to go for PA

    Applied for PA program, the school want the science classes to be within 5 years but unfortunately my basic chemistry classes were older and needed to repeat some again.
  • Difficult to take classes

    Went back to community college to repeat some chemistry but it was hard for me to get in because I had B.S
  • Decided to go for Nursing

    Got in to Pasadena city college Nursing program.
  • Burned out

    I was burned out from school and full time work. So dropped out from the program.
  • Got married

    Got married, moved in to new house
  • Decide to go LVN program

    started LVN program thinking to do LVN to RN bridge later would be faster for me.
  • Become a father

    become father of a little angel
  • Graduation from LVN program

    Got my LVN license
  • Working as a LVN

    Started working in Nursing skilled Facility
  • Become father

    become father of little handsome boy
  • Decided to get my RN license

    Found United University of Nursing offering LVN to RN bridge, got so excited and applied
  • Taking BSN classed

    Now taking couple of BSN classes online.