Future predictions

  • The new winner

    The new winner
    At the 2024 Olympics, Simone Biles will win the gold medal in artistic gymnastics.
  • Eurovision 2025

    Eurovision 2025
    Next year, that is, in 2025, Spain will be third as a country in Eurovision, like three years ago.
  • Champions in 2025

    Champions in 2025
    After so many years of losing, Barça will manage to come back next year, and win the championship in 2025.
  • A wonderful afternoon

    A wonderful afternoon
    A couple of years ago I went to Portaventura with my friends and we had a great time. Next year, on September 17, 2025, we will all go to Portaventura again.
  • The 2026 World Cup

    The 2026 World Cup
    In 2018 France won the World Cup, in 2022, France and Argentina faced each other in the final, and the next World Cup, that is, in 2026, I am sure that France will win, with effort and hard training.
  • The temperature in 2030

    The temperature in 2030
    Every year the temperature increases due to climate change, looking at the current situation, almost certainly in 2030 we will reach 45 degrees.
  • My first car

    My first car
    I have always wanted my first car to be a mini, therefore, with effort and work, my first car will be a white mini.
  • The best trip in the world

    The best trip in the world
    In 2030, my friends and I will raise enough money and go to New York for a week, the trip we have always wanted to take together.
  • The pandemic returns

    The pandemic returns
    In 10 years, that is, in 2034, covid-19 will appear again, we will not be able to leave the house for a year and many people will die.
  • The next world war

    The next world war
    On March 20, 2035, World War III will occur. A war that would last months and maybe years to stop and a war that would kill many people.
  • The new lawyer

    The new lawyer
    I have always wanted to be a lawyer, since I was little. I am a stubborn person and I think I would be a good lawyer. For that reason, in 2040, I know that I will graduate as a lawyer.
  • The new iPhone

    The new iPhone
    Lately, many new phones are coming out, especially many new iPhones, so surely in 2050 we will already have the iPhone 30 on sale.
  • Modern dogs

    Modern dogs
    Eagles fly, doves fly, mosquitoes and flies fly, ladybugs fly, seagulls fly... and why not dogs? In 2074 dogs will know how to fly, like many other animals.
  • The robots

    The robots
    On January 1, 2100, robots will dominate everything and do everything for us: repair cars, cook, clean...