Future predictions

  • Football tournament

    Football tournament
    On this day, we will win a football tournament with my team. We will win all the matches vs esparreguera. And we will lift the trophy.
  • Last day of 2nd of ESO

    Last day of 2nd of ESO
    On the 21st of June of 2024, I am going to finish 2nd of ESO. This year, it was a really good year. I have learned a lot about life in general. And of course about interesting and useful things, like: maths, physics, english, spanish…
  • Salou camping

    Salou camping
    On this day, I am going to Salou to an amazing camping with Arnau Vilardaga. It’s going to be really funny and really unforgettable. I am really impatient to go. I am going to stay for 3 days, from Friday 5 morning to Sunday 8 in the afternoon.
  • Port Aventura

    Port Aventura
    On this day, I am going to Port Aventura.
  • Berga Resort

    Berga Resort
    On this day, I am going to stay in Berga Resort. Usually, I don’t go there, but this year my mother won a giveaway. I am so happy! We stopped from going to this camp, because it was too expensive, but now that we won a giveaway, we are going again.
  • First day of 3rd of Eso

    First day of 3rd of Eso
    On this day I am going to start 3rd of Eso. I’m really nervous! But it will be a great experience.
  • BS championship

    BS championship
    On this special day, I will win the BS tournament, after trying hard.
    Nowadays, I can’t win it, because I am not 16 years old, but when I achieve I will play it. I have already qualified, but it’s useless because of my age.
  • My own company

    My own company
    Approximately on this day I will create my own company. In this company, firstly I will buy some products, and then, I will sell them for a lower price. And apart from that, I will upload some videos to Instagram, Youtube and TikTok. And working in there for some years, I will became a billonaire man.
  • The United States of Kingdom

    The United States of Kingdom
    This year I will create a new country, called: United States of Kingdom. This country will be a place where everybody can be free and do whatever they want. In this country, there will be flying cars. The United States of Kingdom will be a technologie city.
  • President of The United States of Kingdom

    President of The United States of Kingdom
    On this special day, I will become the United States of Kingdom president. Because I worked really hard to get it. I will be president for 8 years, and I will appear in a lot of history books and a lot of history magazines.
  • Fastest car ever

    Fastest car ever
    I will create the fastest car in the world. This car it’s called Lambojan. It’s a mix up of Lamborghini. This car can reach 500 km/h. It’s the fastest car ever! But it cost 500.000€.
  • Richest person on the world

    Richest person on the world
    This year, I will become the richest person in the world. That’s because I worked really hard in my business. I will have all my dream cars and my dream house. And I also will have a helicopter.
  • Best potion ever

    Best potion ever
    This year, I will create a poison that can make us deathless. And with this I will become more and more rich. And I will save a lot of people. Because this poison, it’s not just to make us deathless, we can use it to heal us of diseases.
  • Bemn Republic

    Bemn Republic
    This year, I will create a new country called Bemn Republic. This country will be created by deserts and oases. But it will be a modern desert with a lot of oasis so you don't get dehydrated.
  • My death

    My death
    On this day, I will die. With 89 years old. And you can say: why? If you have created a potion that make us deathless. Yes, that’s true. But unluckiest for me, this poison didn't affect me. But not all are bad news. I will be so happy, because I will get my dream life: my dream house, my dream cars and my dreams goals…