Period: to
January 2000-2026
Titus's Birthday
I was born on July, 30, 2000 at Saudi Arabia -
Voluteered in Church
Helped passed the gifts(bread & wine) to the priest. -
Present Day
This is the day I created this timeline. -
Goals for High school
-Pass 2nd Semester with A's, B's ,C's
-Join an after school sctivities, clubs. -
FInd a summer job. -
Graduation Day
Start thinking about my college, future.
Will you be in College? Med School? (etc.)
I will most likely try to be an LPN then move to an RN (Registerd Nurse). Yes I will probably be still in school. -
Which State you'll live in? Also rural, suburbs or city?
I'll still be living in Illinois because I like it here. And I will likely be living in the suburbs. -
maybe driving a lamborghini. -
Job? Salary?
$52,000 per year working as an LPN. -
Job? Salary? State? House, condo or apartment?
I prefer a condo because if you have a house you have more responsibilities. My job would be being a RN. $70,268 per year. I would wanna still live in Illinios. -
Married? Kids? Pets?
Yup all of them.