Future Cities Task #4

  • 1 CE


    Following many days of experimenting with the new element, A parking lot foor automobiles had been built so that it would take up less space. A improved Maglev system was built for better transportation and less air pollution caused by the automobiles.
  • 1 CE

    New Invention

    The TSC Corporation invented an improved augmented reality glasses that were issued to architectural companies, task forces, construction companies, hospitals, medical and forensic studies only. However, later on it was open to the public and were used to store information. In recent years, the augmented reality glasses are used to keep almost everything. The system is 98.999% safe and used by most. Genesis Alpha
  • 111

    Medical Aid

    The First Operational Hospital was built and open. Residents can now access a clinical help. The City-state is more organized and everything has gone smoothly.
  • Period: to

    Trade War

    A Massive trade war between the new settlement and Europe left both sides completely drained of resources and in a depression. The many trade barriers and tariffs had caused both to stubbornly stop trading with each other and decline economically.
  • Science Revelation

    On November 11, 2222, A new element was discovered by (Marco Bravo) which they named (Magnaprogen). The element was shown to have many chemical properties such as how it is extremely magnetic. (scientist name) later on combined the newly found element to make new compounds. These compounds still retained it's magnetic properties. So, the compounds were then used to design and perfect new technology within architecture.
  • Population

    On (date), the population of () exceeded 1 million and security in the city improved with the confederal task forces improving and crime rates dropping.
  • Period: to

    Change in Government

    (City name) had a Guerrilla Civil War that lasted for around 29 years which caused the North and south to split. The North and South each had their own monarch which then led to the Southern monarch to win and take over.
  • Period: to

    Deadly Disease

    Anew type of bacteria was found when several households had family members die after several weeks of symptoms of cold stress and mysterious silver-gray patches of skin found near there stomach. In the proceeding months, even more people died. The plague, now called the Hydrogamic Plague, was caused by a prehistoric bacteria that had been frozen in Antarctica dating back to the Cryogenian Ice age been unfrozen by the new amount of heat produced from he settlement. 1/5 of the population was dead.