How it Began
In 5000-300 B.C. there is evidance of a game played in China that involved kicking a leather ball stuffed with fur into a small hole. No hands were permitted. -
Played in Mexico
In 600-1600 A.D. a rubber ball was created. The game was played on a field 40-50ft long and shaped like a capital "I". In the middle of each wall was a ring and the object was to kick the ball through the ring. -
Football Became Legal in England
First Ever Soccer Game
Scottland vs England. Ended in a tie. 0-0 -
Introduction of the Penalty Kick.
Soccer Played at the Olympic Games for the First Time
Very First World Cup Tournament
FIFA (The Federation Internationale de Football Association) held the tournament in Montivedo, Uruguay. -
Women's World Cup
The inaugural Women's World Cup in 1991 in China was won by the United States -
First World Cup in United States
American Women's Team Won First Olympics
The American women's team won the first-ever women's soccer event at the Olympics