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    How it Began

    In 5000-300 B.C. there is evidance of a game played in China that involved kicking a leather ball stuffed with fur into a small hole. No hands were permitted.
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    Played in Mexico

    In 600-1600 A.D. a rubber ball was created. The game was played on a field 40-50ft long and shaped like a capital "I". In the middle of each wall was a ring and the object was to kick the ball through the ring.
  • Football Became Legal in England

  • First Ever Soccer Game

    Scottland vs England. Ended in a tie. 0-0
  • Introduction of the Penalty Kick.

  • Soccer Played at the Olympic Games for the First Time

  • Very First World Cup Tournament

    FIFA (The Federation Internationale de Football Association) held the tournament in Montivedo, Uruguay.
  • Women's World Cup

    The inaugural Women's World Cup in 1991 in China was won by the United States
  • First World Cup in United States

  • American Women's Team Won First Olympics

    The American women's team won the first-ever women's soccer event at the Olympics