Fur Trade Timeline

  • Period: to

    Coureurs de Bois time period

    French Canadian traders traded with First Nations people.
  • des Grosseilliers fights with Huron against the Iroquois

  • Hudson's Bay Company Founded

    Hudson's Bay Company Founded
    Location: London, England
    Founders: Médard Chouart des Grosseiliers, Pierre-Esprit Radisson
  • Period: to

    Voyageur time period

    Voyageurs who were licensed to trade traded with the First Nations people.
  • Period: to

    Pierre LaVerendye's journey

    Pierre LaVerendye and his sons create trading posts in the area west of Lake Superior
  • Samuel Hearne built Cumberland House for the Hudson Bay Company

  • North West Company founded

    North West Company founded
  • Period: to

    Alexander Mackenzie Important Years

  • Period: to

    Alexander Mackenzie attempts to find the Northwest passage.

    Mackenzie follows rivers flowing in the northwest direction in an attempt to find the Northwest passage.
  • Alexander Mackenzie leaves Fort Chipewyan

    Alexander Mackenzie leaves Fort Chipewyan
  • Alexander Mackenzie helped create "Fort Fork."

    Alexander Mackenzie helped create "Fort Fork."
  • Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Pacific Coast

  • David Thompson set out to map part of the Canada-U.S. boundary.

  • Lord Selkirk becomes a Philanthropist

    Thomas Douglas(A.K.A. Lord Selkirk) inherits the Selkirk claims and sponsors Scottish farmers by giving them a place to live in the Red River Colony.
  • Period: to

    Daniel Williams Harmon writes his journal

    Harmon writes his journal on the daily life of a fur trader and his struggles in a libertarian environment.
  • Lord Selkirk first attempts colonisation

    Roughly 128 men arrive.
  • Battle of Seven Oaks

    The conflict between the Metis and the Scottish newcomers results in a battle which kills 21 of Selkirks men and 1 Metis.
  • North West Company closed

  • Hudson's Bay Company sold Rupert's Land to Canada

    Hudson's Bay Company sold Rupert's Land to Canada