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Fundamentals of computing timeline project- Mya McKnight

  • vaccum tubes were invented

    vaccum tubes were invented
    The vacuum tubes were invented by john Ambrose Flemming in 1904 we use these tubes to amplify the first computers.
  • Period: to

    Reflection- The first programable computer

    I think That the most important one was the first programmable computer because without this invention we would probably still be behind on all the technology advancements we have now.
  • The first programmable computer was invented

    The first programmable computer was invented
    The first programable computer was made by Konrad Zuse in 1936 and he made it to have a computer that we could actually program.
  • The first electronic digital computer was invented

    The first electronic digital computer was invented
    The first electronic digital computer was invented in 1943 by John Vincent Atanasoff so that we could have digital computers.
  • The first automatic computing engine was created

    The first automatic computing engine was created
    The first automatic computing engine was invented by Alan Turning 1045. He created this computer to be able to hold more memory than any other computer and be faster.
  • Transistors were invented

    Transistors were invented
    Transistors were created by William shockley,John Bardeen, and Walter Houser Brattain. These were created to amplify the electrical signals in a computer.
  • Artifical intelegence was invented

    Artifical intelegence was invented
    Artificial intelligence was created in 1956 by John McCarthy. We use Artificial intelligence to have computers be able to learn from there mistakes and improve and be able to answer questions like a human. SIRI is a good example of AI because she answers our everyday questions.
  • Integrated circuits were created.

    Integrated circuits were created.
    Integrated circuits were created by Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce, and Masatoshi shima in 1960. We use integrated circuits as like a little micro-processer or a memory box.
  • The computer mouse was invented

    The computer mouse was invented
    The computer mouse was created by Douglas Engelbert and
    Rene sommer in 1964. We use the computer mouse to communicate where we want the computer to take us next.
  • Microprocessors were invented.

    Microprocessors were invented.
    Microprocessors were invented in 1971 by Marcian Hoff, Fredrico faggin, Stanley Mazor, and Masatoshi shima. We use microprocessors as the center of our computers so it has all the logic and it is also known as a logic chip.
  • The world wide web was invented

    The world wide web was invented
    The world wide web was invented in 1989 by Tim Burners-Lee and
    Robert Calliau. We use the world wide web as like the internet it let us get information we couldn't really get before. Now we have like google and safari and internet explorer.
  • The first iPhone was invented

    The first iPhone was invented
    The first iPhone was created by Steve jobs on June 29th, 2007. We still use iPhones today we just use newer versions instead of an iPhone 2g.