Untitled (4)

Fumiko Ishioka’s Timeline

By Me :)
  • Fumiko Ishioka finds the suitcase and the research begins

  • Fumiko finds out that Hana was sent to Auschwitz from Theresienstadt

  • Fumiko finds out that “Theresienstadt” was what the Nazis called the town, Terezin

  • Fumiko sees some of Hana’s drawings

    Fumiko sees some of Hana’s drawings
  • The exhibition “The Holocaust Seen through Children’s Eyes” is made

  • Fumiko visits Terezin

    Fumiko visits Terezin, meets Ludmila and discovers Hana died.
  • Fumiko meets Kurt Kotouc, George Brady’s roommate

  • Period: to


    Fumiko sends a letter to George, George gets Fumiko’s letter, George sends Fumiko a letter and Fumiko gets a letter from George.
  • Fumiko meets George

    Fumiko meets George