All the charters are Blace Qwean Magge Russ and Cusandra
Blace and hes fraind go to a fair to save his brother
The forst ride is Marry Go Round
A lion comes alive diring the forst ride
there are 6 more rides Bumper Cars, Pireat Ship, Mirros, Kamikose,Pyamead and Tea Cups
In the bumper cars the cars go to the old days
Blace finds Qwean on the 3 ride the Pireat Ship
Russ go's the evil side and trise to kill Blace
Blace defeats all 7 rides and Cusandra said only you can live out un less you do one more ride and the last ride was a true thing that apend to Blace he said ok i will do it
he did the last ride and the world started to sake and crak and thing stated to fall frome the sky
After all that thay wake up from a car reak and thay walk a way like nothing ever happend to them Blace seeen the face of Cusandra in the smashed car hood