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Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

  • Date of Occurance

    Date of Occurance
    The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powerplant occured on March 11 2011. An earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 causing powerplant units 1,2and 3 to close. Then after came a tsunami.
  • Reactors

    Thwy cannot cool down reactors 1,2 and 3. Evucation of residents occurs within 10km of the powerplant.
  • Cooling

    Cooling of unit 3 begins and sea water is injected into the unit 3 reactor.
  • Explosion

    Hydrogen explodes in unit 3 which causes a lot of damage.
  • Fire

    A fire is reported at unit 4 and a hydrogen explosin occurs at unit 2.
  • Evucation

    A fire is reported again in the unit 4 reactor buildning. Evucation spreds to 20km. Steam is also coming from the unit 3 reactor buildning.
  • Sea Water

    Sea Water
    Helecotors are used to dump sea water into unit 3.
  • More Seawater

    More Seawater
    More seawater continues to be sprayed into unit 3.
  • Fuel

    Fuel teps. in units 5 and 6 begin to decrease.
  • power

    Offsite power is avaliable to units 1,2 and 3.
  • Plutonium

    Plutonium is detected in the soil.
  • Freshwater

    Crews start spraying freshwater into the reactor.
  • Freshwater

    Freshwater coninutes to be sprayed into the reactors.