War of Mexico and Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1846-1848)
The northerners were upset with the War of Mexico because they blamed it of just southerners seeking more land to spread slavery into. The northerners also hated Polk for supporting it with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. -
Fugitive Slave Act
Fugitive Slave Act denied accused runaway slaves trial by jury. Freed slaves would be taken south because special commissioners were paid five dollars to say they were free and ten dollars to say they were not. This angered the northerners because southerners could claim slaves in the north back down to the south. -
Publishing of Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin upset northerners and southerners because it was a story of about slavery in the south. Southerners thought that it was a very exaggerated story and depicted a slave's life worse than it really was. Northerners became more aware of the life of a slave and pushed more for abolition. -
Bleeding kansas
A compromise on the issue of slavery would not be possible due to the example of senseless killing through "Bleeding Kansas." "Bleeding Kansas" started over northerners and southerners trying to convince the other side of their opinion on slavery for popular sovereignty via attacking and killing. Pro-slavery Missourians, "Border Ruffians", crossed border to intimidate those voting for Kansas to be a free state, and abolitionists brought their Beecher Bibles to even it out. -
Arise of Republican party vs. Democratic party
The breakdown of the two-party system signalled the end to the North and the South working together. Candidates from the northern Republican party stressed ending slavery more and candidates from the southern Democratic party stressed spreading slavery more. They drifted even further apart. -
Congressman Preston Brooks Beats Senator Charles Sumner
Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina beats Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts with a cane.The northerners were even more upset when the southerners celebrated with Preston Brooks and gave him gifts. Preston Brooks acted out because of a personal insult in Charles Sumner's speech. -
Dred Scott decision
This act allowed slave owners to take their slaves into westward territories. Eventually created the new republican platform. -
Abraham Lincoln vs. Stephan Douglas
During the 1858 election for Illinois, Abraham Lincoln and Stephan Douglas debated the issue of slavery. Abraham Lincoln believed slavery should exist where it is and not spread, but believed more that "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Douglas opposed and said the people should have a choice. The south felt threaten by Lincolns decisions. -
John Brown raided Harper's ferry
Johns goal after raiding the ferry was to start a slave uprising using captured weapons. He was eventually surrounded by troops and killed. -
Abraham Lincoln elected presedent
After his election 6 other states including South Carolina seceded from the Union. Lincoln agreed that the south had too much power.