Project "History of the USA"

  • Pilgrims

    The pilgrims left England because they wanted religious and political freedom. The long difficult journey across de Atlantic Ocean continue for 65 days. Early on 9th November, 1620, the pilgrims saw land in the distance. They were very excites because their journey was near the end. Each family built a small house and they had land to grow vgetables and keep their animals.
  • The American Flag

    The American Flag
    In 1777 government officials passed the Flag Act.
    They decided to have a flag with 13 stars and 13 stripes to represent all 13 colonies of the Unites States of America.
    But today the flag have 13 colonies an 50 stars for all 50 states of the United States.
  • Declaration

    On 4th July, 1776, the colonies declared independence from Great Britain.
    Their leaders published the Declaration of Independence on this date.
    The colonists, led by George Washington, fought many long, difficult battles.
  • Expansion and the Civil War

    Expansion and the Civil War
    The French still owned some land to the west of the colonies.
    In 1803, the French Emperor Napoleon offered to sell the land to the United States for $15 million. The president, Thomas Jefferson, accepted the offer and signed the Louisana Purchase Agreement.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    Abraham Lincoln is now the president of the USA.
    He wants to end slavery. The people in the south want to leave the Union and have their own nation, called the Confederate states of America, or the Confederacy.
  • The Statue of Liberty

    The Statue of Liberty
    France give the State of the Liberty to the Uinited states in 1886. Building the statue was a combined effort between the two countries.
    France paid for the statue and the United Estates paid for the pedestal.
  • Confederacy

    The south has got their Confederacy. It´s got 11 states now. Richmond, in Virginia, is the capital.
    They think they´re a different nation from the Union in the north.
  • The American Eagle.

    The American Eagle.
    In 1782 Congress selected the bald eagle as the official emblem of the United Estates, bescause it symbolised beauty strength and long life. The aggles appear with 13 leaves in one talon and 13 arrows in the other talon.