From the Britsh Empire to the Commonwealth of Nations

  • Queen Elizabeth gives Sir Walter Releigh permission to set up the American Colony of Virginia

    Queen Elizabeth gives Sir Walter Releigh permission to set up the American Colony of Virginia
    Queen Elizabeth gives Sir Walter Releigh permission to set up the American Colony of Virginia
  • Pilgrim Fathers

    Pilgrim Fathers
    Pilgrim fathers land in America
  • Second Dutch-War

    Second Dutch-War
    1665-7 Second Dutch War: England supported Louis XIV against Holland. After this war New Amsterdam became New York
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn set up the Quaker colony of Pennsylvania
  • Battle of the Boyne

    Battle of the Boyne
    Ireland was defeated
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    it ended the war with France with favourable trading rights to England
  • Georgia foundation

    Georgia foundation
    13th colony of the America colonies established, it was called Georgia
  • Seven Years' war 1756

    Seven Years' war 1756
    Britain found an ally with Prussia against Spain, Austria, Russia and France. The war brought to Britain a great part of India, Quebec ain Canada and Dakar in Africa
  • Treaty of Paris

    end of Seven Years' War
  • Boston tea Party

    Boston tea Party
    American colonies rebell against the rise of taxes on trade and through tea in Boston's harbour
  • American War of Independence 1775-83

  • Declaration of American Independence

    Declaration of American Independence
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Britain remained in control of many teritories: West Indies, India, Canada and Gibraltar. Captain James Cook also claimed Australia and New Zealand for Britain in the early 1770s
  • Society for the Abolition of slavery

  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria
    Queen Victoria accessed the throne
  • Opium wars

    Opium wars
    Hong Kong and other Chinese ports are gained after the Opium Wars
  • California Gold Rush

  • Indian Mutiny

  • Canada's independence

    Canada became an independent dominion in the form of a Federation
  • Opening of the Suez Canal

    The Suez Canal opened and the Union Pacific Railroad connected East and West coasts of the USA
  • Queen Victoria Empress of India

    Queen Victoria Empress of India
    Queen Victoria was crowned Empress of India
  • Occupation of Egypt

    Occupation of Egypt
    The Turkish rule broke down and Britsh occupied Egypt supressing Arabi's revolt. Africa was then opened to trade and British rule was extended to Niger territories, Kenya, Uganda and Southern and Northern Rhodesia. Sudan was also annexed
  • Boer War 1899-1902

    Boer War 1899-1902
    British against the Dutch Afrikaaners in South Africa
  • Queen Victoria's death. Accession of her son Edward VII

  • Outbreak of World War I

  • Free State of Ireland

    Free State of Ireland
    Britain recognized freedom to Ireland after some guerrila episodes. The six counties of Ulster remained part of United Kingdom and included in Northern Ireland
  • Imperial Conference in London

    recognition of the previous colonies as Dominions being"autonomous Communities within the British Empire"
  • Statute of Westminster

    Statute of Westminster
    it gave complete legislative freedom to the Dominions and was considered the legal consequence of the definition "British Commonwealth of Nations". The Commonwealth Nations were: Great Britain, South Africa, Canada, Newfoundland,m Australia, New Zealand, and the Free State of Ireland
  • Outbreak of World Warn II

  • India's independence

    India's independence
  • Pakistan

    Pakistan was formed out of the Muslim areas of India. From then many African and Asian countries have been granted Independence
  • Queen Elizabeth was crowned

    Queen Elizabeth was crowned
  • Declaration of Commonwealth principles

    it defines the Commonwealth as ‘a voluntary association of independent states, each responsible for its own policies, consulting and cooperating in the common interest of their peoples and in the promotion of international and world peace’.
  • Commonwealth of Nations

    Commonwealth of Nations
    today 54 countries are members of the Commonwealth