Hull House is Founded
Idaho Becomes a State
Jacob Riis Publishes "How the Other Side Lives"
Yosemite National Park Was Created
Wounded Knee Massacre
Rupublic of Hawii
Pullman Strike
Plessy Vs. Furgeson
William McKinley as President
De Lome Letter Published
Spanish American War
De Lome Letter
Anti Trust Act Passed
USS Main Explodes
Open Door Policy
President McKinley Assassinated
Untill 4 Mar 1913 -
Woodrow Wilson Becomes President
Till 6 March 1913 -
The American Anti-imperialist League Was Organized
Niagra Falls Confrence
Treaty of Veraillas
Dollar Diplomacy
William Taft as President
16th Amendment
17th Amendment
Assassination of Ferdinand-Armstance
US Declares War On Germany
Zimmerman Telegram
Sedition Act
18th Ammendment
Theodore Roossevelt as President
19th Ammendment