Usa liberty

From civil rights to black lives matter

  • Fair Housing Act I

    Fair Housing Act I
    -Civil Rights Act of 1866 prohibited discrimination in housing
    -declared all persons born in the United States to be citizens, "without distinction of race or color, or previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude
    -no federal enforcement
  • desegregation in armed services

    desegregation in armed services
    -President Harry S. Truman issued Executive Order 9981
    -before: African Americans would have to wait years to begin combat training & white Americans only a few months
  • Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education

    Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education
    -state laws establishing racial segregation in public schools are unconstitutional
    -case: public school in Kansas refused to enroll daughter of a black man, Oliver Brown, at the closest school to their home
  • kidnapping and killing of Emmett Louis Till

    kidnapping and killing of Emmett Louis Till
    -14 y/o African American boy Emmett was kidnapped and killed for allegedly flirting a white woman, Carolyn Bryant, and whistling at her
    -shot in the head and thrown into a river, Money; Mississippi
    -he became an icon of the civil rights movement after his death
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    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    -5 Dec 1955: Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white person
    -Black people attacked and shortchanged by bus drivers
    -Montgomery's black community boycotted the bus until 20 Dec 1956 when federal ruling Browder v. Gayle stated the Alabama and Montgomery laws of segregated buses were unconstitutional
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    -National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) registered nine black students to attend Little Rock Central High
    -segregationalist councils hold protests with the National Guard blocking the black students to enter the school
    -President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued Executive Order No. 10730 & ordered US Army
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    -4 May 1961: interracial group of activists boarded two buses in Washington DC bound for New Orleans
    -test the Supreme Court's ruling of Boynton v. Virginia, provoke the federal government to enforce the decision
    -on their journey: tires on a bus were slashed, one bus was bombed, riders were beaten
    -some original riders were arrested but taken over by a new group of freedom riders
    -29 May: Attorney General Robert F. Kennedyordered the Interstate Commerce Commision to enforce bans of segregation
  • The Great March on Washington

    The Great March on Washington
    -more than 200.000 people joined Martin Luther King Jr. delivering his speech "I Have a Dream"
    -advocate for civil and economic rights of African Americans, who were still facing discrimination from governments and businesses
    -interracial marriage still banned in 21 states
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    -organizers of March on Washington visited President John F. Kennedy; civil rights bill -> goal to ban discrimitory practises by all federal agencies, unions and private companies
    -After Kennedy's assassination: President Lyndon B. Johnson signed bill into law on 2 July 1964
    -outlawing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin
    -prohibition of racial segregation in schools, employment and public accommodations, unequal voter registration requirements
  • Interracial Marriage

    Interracial Marriage
    -Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia -> banning interracial marriage violated the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution
    -case: arrest of Mildred Loving (woman of colour) and Richard Loving (white man), their marriage violated Virginia's Integrity Act of 1924 that banned interracial marriages
  • Fair Housing Act II

    Fair Housing Act II
    -Civil Rights Act of 1968: further prohibited discrimination concerning sale, rental and financing of housing based on race, religion and national origin
    -fines and/or imprisonment for anyone "willing injuries, intimidates or interferes with another person or attemps to do so by force because of the other person's race, color, religion or national origin"
  • Killing of Trayvon Martin

    Killing of Trayvon Martin
    -new civil rights movement "Black Lives Matter"
    -George Zimmerman, a white man shot and killed Trayvon Martin, an anarmed 17 y/o African American
    -Zimmerman was acquitted of second degree murder in a state court in 2013 due to some jurors saying they believed he shot Trayvon Martin in "self defense"
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    Black Lives Matter / BLM

    -highlight racism, discrimination and racial inequality experienced by black people
    -police violence
    -protests throughout the globe against racial injustice
  • police brutality against black people

    police brutality against black people
    -many Black people get killed by police officers, statistically Black and Hispanic people suffer way more from police violence than white people who make up the largest ethnical group in the US
    -killing of George Floyd 25 May 2020: Derek Chauvin, a white police officer murdered George Floyd by standing with both knees on his neck although he said many times "I CAN'T BREATHE"
    -George Floyd became the symbol of racial injustice and violence of white police officers still existing in the US