From 1939 to Today

  • The Second World War.

  • Germany attacks the French

  • Japan, Germany´s ally, attacked British Colonial possessions, including Malaya, Burma and India.

  • Germany attacked the Soviet Union, and Japan attacked the United States.

  • Britain and The United States invaded Germany and occupied France.

  • The goverment promised free secondary education for all.

  • In May, Germany finally surrendered.

  • the Cold War.

  • : New Labour Party government, many major industries placed under state control.

  • Britain gave Independence to India.

  • British left India and Palestine.

  • The Soviet Union tried to capture West Berlin.

  • The National Assistance Act provided financial help for the old, the unemployed and those unable to work trough sickness.

  • Britain joined with other Western European countries to form the Council of Europe , "to achieve greater unity between members"

  • Elizabeth II became Queen, the monarchy has steadily increased in popularity.

  • The first nuclear energy power station in the world

  • : Britain took American "Polaris" nuclear missiles for British submarines

  • London became the worldwide capital of youth culture (music, clothes, design)

  • : Samuel Beckett won the Nobel Prize for literatura.

  • Samuel Beckett won the Nobel Prize for literatura.

    Samuel Beckett won the Nobel Prize for literatura.
  • : in the Northern Ireland government was removed and was replaced with direct rule from London

  • : Britain became a member of the European Community

  • it became unlawful to treat women differently from men in matters of employment and pay.

  • Britain wen t to war to take back the Falklands after an Argent inian invasion.

  • Intermediate Range Nuclear Force teatry

  • William Golding won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

  • End of Cold War

  • Fall of Berlin Wall