Frise chronologique sur l'histoire Britannique (1534-1801)

  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    Reign of Henry VIII

  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy
    This act starts the Anglican Church and makes Henry VIII the supreme head of the Church of England.
  • 1536

    Pilgrimage of Grace

    Pilgrimage of Grace
    Following the decision of Henry VIII to separate the Kingdom of England from the Catholic Roman Church, the dissolution of monasteries, and the Reformation; rebellions started. They were called "the Pilgrimage of Grace" and lasted 6 months.
  • 1547

    End of the Reign of Henry VIII

    End of the Reign of Henry VIII
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Reign of Edward VI

    During his reign a series of measures pushed England towards Protestantism.
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Reign of Mary I

    First Queen of England. She restored Catholicism and burnt alive over 200 Protestant, which earned her the surname Bloody Mary
  • Period: 1558 to

    Reign of Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I was a sincere protestant who wanted to restore Protestantism. But her being also a pacifist, led her to make compromises between Catholicism and Protestantism (a sort of Middle way).
  • 1559

    2nd Act of Supremacy

    2nd Act of Supremacy
    Elizabeth abolished the authority of the Pope and restored her authority over the Church. She became “supreme governor of the Church of England”
  • May 8, 1559

    Act of Uniformity

    Act of Uniformity
    Every parish had to use the Book of Common Prayer. people who did not attend an Anglican service were fined.
  • Period: 1563 to 1571

    The 39 articles of faith

    Those articles stated the doctrine of the Church.
    It made 3 important changes: a new ecclesiology, a new doctrine of Salvation, a new definition of sacraments, and of the mass.
  • 1569

    The Northern Rebellion

    The Northern Rebellion
    Rebellion against religious reforms.
  • Death of Mary Queen of Scots

    Death of Mary Queen of Scots
    Mary Queen of Scots was sentenced to death because of complotting with a group of young Catholics against Queen Elizabeth. They planned to kill the Queen so Mary could take her throne, but Francis Walsingham discovered it by deciphering a coded letter between Marie Stuart and this group.
  • Period: to

    Attempt by the Spanish Armada to invade England

    Defeat from Spain.
  • Period: to

    Reign of James I

    The successor of Elizabeth I. He was the son of Mary Stuarts, so Catholics placed high hopes for him, but he continued Elizabeth's harsh repressive laws. Furthermore, he is a huge spender so he indebted the Crown considerably.
  • The Gunpowder plot

    The Gunpowder plot
    A conspiracy devised by a small group of Catholics to blow up Parliament and kill James I
  • Establishment of Jamestown in Virginia

  • Period: to

    Reign of Charles I

    Very soon, Charles faces the Parliament for he is a strong-willed man. This personality of his will causes a lot of problems during his Reign.
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    Because of the stubbornness of the king, who refused to respect the laws, a petition was created to ask him to recognize the illegality of his acts. The King signed the petition but was furious about it, which led to breaking even more the trust between the Parliament and the King.
  • Three resolutions

    Three resolutions
    The three resolutions declared that whoever tried to bring in “Popery or Arminianism”, or to alter the protestant forms of the Church of England was an enemy of the Kingdom. As well as anyone advising the King to collect customs duties without Parliament’s consent.
  • Period: to

    The Personal Rule

    Following the three resolutions, Charles I declared the end of the Parliament. During those eleven years, the King ruled without calling the Parliament. Whig historians called this period: “The Eleven Years Tyranny”.
  • Period: to

    The Scottish crisis

    The end of the Personal Rule and the outbreak of the Civil war were caused by crises not just in England but in Scotland and Ireland. It started because some bishops were against Charle's religious policy. That opposition led to the creation of an army --> The Bishop's War.
  • Period: to

    The short parliament

    Needing money to fight the Scots, Charles called a parliament for the first time in 11 years and then dissolved it again 3 weeks after.
  • Period: to

    The Short Parliament

    In 1640, needing money to fight the Scots, Charles called a parliament for the first time in 11 years.
  • Period: to

    The Long Parliament

    Charles was forced to pay the cost of the Scots’ army, so he signed a Peace Treaty (Treaty of Ripon, Oct 1640).
    They passed two acts ensuring that: Parliament should meet at least every 3 years and the dissolution of Parliament required its consent.
  • The Irish Rebellion

    The Irish Rebellion
    This revolt broke out because of the domination of Great Britain over the Kingdom of Ireland. (The English and Scottish protestants were sent to Ireland, taking the lands of Irish Catholics.)
  • The Grand Remonstrance

    The Grand Remonstrance
    An important document voted by Parliament that demands:
    the right of the House of commons to choose the King’s ministers, the right for Parliament to control any army sent to Ireland,
    and the right for Parliament to reform the Church.
  • Execution of Earl Stafford

    Execution of Earl Stafford
    Earl Stafford was one of the King’s most powerful advisers (scapegoat for the king’s policies during the Personal Rule).
  • Period: to

    Civil wars

    They started because of religious divisions, financial problems, relations between King and Parliament and the fact of governing three kingdoms at once (for the first time).
  • Charles I marches into the House of Commons

    Charles I marches into the House of Commons
    Following the grand Remonstrance, the King marched into the House of Commons with troops and attempted to arrest 5 Members of Parliament. This act showed the end of respect and tolerance between the King and the Parliament.
  • Charles I declares war on Parliament

    Charles I declares war on Parliament
    Final cause : Parliament presented the 19 Propositions to the King (extreme: Charles as a constitutional monarch).
  • Period: to

    The First Civil War

    This war opposed the Royalists and Parliamentarians ( key commanding officers: Sir Thomas Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell) and cost the lives of 190 000 Englishmen. In June 1645, during the Battle of Naseby, the Royalist forces weakened. In May 1646, the Royalists and the Kind surrendered --> victory of Parliament.
  • Period: to

    The Second Civil War

    The King escaped from army custody and allied himself with the Scots in November 1648. He promised to introduce Presbyterianism into England: in return, the Scottish army would invade England and restore him to power. This led to a second Civil War. The Parliamentarians were for the second time victorious.
  • Period: to

    The Interregnum

  • Period: to

    The Commonwealth

  • Charles I is executed

    Charles I is executed
  • England is declared a commonwealth

    A law abolished monarchy (described as “unnecessary, burdensome and dangerous”), the House of Lords was abolished, and the House of Commons had supreme authority.
  • Period: to

    The Crowellian Protectorate

    The Protectorate was a military dictatorship. Cromwell had the executive power, controlled the military and diplomacy, but ruled with the help of the legislative power.
  • Death of Lord Protector Cromwell

    Death of Lord Protector Cromwell
    Following his father's death, Richard Cromwell became Lord Protector in turn but resigned after 6 months.
  • Declaration of Breda (issued by Charles II)

    Declaration of Breda (issued by Charles II)
    Charles II was the son of Charles I. The declaration he made promised: a general amnesty, to continue religious toleration, anto share power with Parliament in return for the restoration of the monarchy.
  • Period: to

    The Early Restauration

  • Period: to

    ''Reign'' of Charles II, helped by the Parliament

  • Death of Charles II

    Death of Charles II
    Charles was succeeded by his brother James II.
  • Period: to

    ''Reign'' of James II, helped by the Parliament

  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    As James II (Catholic) was getting older and didn't have a male heir, her protestant daughter was supposed to succeed him. But, belatedly, the second wife of James II gave birth to a son. This birth was a menace to Protestantism, so the Parliament invited William of Orange (who was married to Mary, the supposed heir of James II) to invade England. The invasion was a success since William met no resistance. He then became King William III, and the constitutional Monarchy started.
  • Period: to

    Consitutional Monarchy led by William III and Mary II

  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    A text that: demands fixed limitations on the sovereign’s powers, the setting out of the rights of the Parliament and of basic civil rights.
  • The Act of settlement

    As King William III and Mary II had no surviving children and all the potential Stuart successors were Catholic, the Act of Settlement passed. This Act settled the order of succession and ensured a Protestant succession, ignoring dozens of Catholic heirs. Thanks to this Act, William III and Mary II put an end to the quarrel between King and Parliament.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Anne Stuart

  • Act of Union between England and Scotland

    Act of Union between England and Scotland
  • Period: to

    The Georgian Era

  • Period: to

    Reign of George I

  • First Jacobite rising

    First Jacobite rising
    Led by the “Old Pretender” James Francis Edward Stuart (the son of James II).
  • Period: to

    Reign of George II

  • The Second Jacobite rising

    The Second Jacobite rising
    Led by the “Young Pretender” Bonnie Prince Charlie (the grandson of James II).
  • Final defeat of the Jacobites

  • Period: to

    Reign of George II

  • Act of Union

    This act unites the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland. This union creates the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.