When I met Jakob Kemi
We met playing videogames back sometime in 2011. I met him due to being up early on a friday morning because I had to walk the dogs and decided to play a single match of the particular videogame. -
Being friends for a year
When we had been friends for over a year. we had participated in online tournaments of some videogames and been good friends for over a year then. We had also other people who we talked with who we also were good friends with. -
Meeting him in Stockholm
I met him in Stochholm where he had came from his home from Nörköping. We hanged out in downtown Stockholm. We went to famous places in Stockholm such as globe arena and rode the elevator which goes on the side of the arena all the way to the top -
Being friends for 5 years
Start of this year we have been friends for over 5 years and are better friends than ever. Our friendship circle of people has extended more and we play less with each other but still play together and have fun and stuff like that -
Yesterday we played some videogames together with a few other people and had fun all together. We talked for sometime and then took some breaks and then continued playing some more games.