José Orozco
Born in Mexico and raised in Zapotlån el Grande, José was a very creative person. He did impressive and relistic paintings. His parents moved to Mexico City hoping to find better jobs and better lives for him and his two other siblings. At a young age thats when the Mexican Revolutions started to rise. He traveled to the U.S and Europe to paint frescos for major institutions. -
Diego is Born
Born in Guanajuanto, Mexico. Diego Rivera made art that people thought reflected on Mexican people. He was thought to be descended on his mother's side. They were Jews who then converted to Roman Catholicism. Although, her dad was from a spanish virtue. His passion for drawing started at a very young age. When he was ten he went to go study at an art school called San Carlos Academy of Arts in Mexico City. After that he satrted doing murals on public buildings all around. -
Start of Mexican Revolution
The Mexican Revolution continued for a decade and was known for being the first major political, social, and cultural revolution of the 20th century to ever happen. If you did not want to fight in the war, you had to leave the country. Many mexicans left and went to El Paso and the United States. -
Emiliano Zapata Becomes New Leader
After the previous leader Pablo Torres dies, Zapata becomes the new leader for the Revolutionary war for Mexico. In war he led over 800 men to fight again Porfilio Dîaz. They led the fight with a banner that said, "Tierra y Libertad!" Which means in English, land and liberty! -
Battle of Juarez
This battle happened on May 8th 1911 and lasted only three days. There leader was Francisco "Pancho" Villa and Pascuel Orozco. Villa gains a major victory over Diaz's forces at Juarez and Diaz flees to Paris, France allowing Madero to win presidency. Emiliano Zapata then drafts Plan de Ayala, calling for land reform for his people. Madero refused Zapata's demands. Zapata them goes with Orozco to fight against Madero. -
The Devastating Days in Mexico City
During these ten tragic days in Mexico City, Madero, his brother, and Vice President Suarez are killed. Huerta then gains presidency. Many people didnt like how he was returning to government because of dictatorial status. Venustiano Carranza rises and drafts Plan de Guadelupe opposing Huerta. Carranza's followers are known as constitutionalists. -
Battle of Zacatecas
This is one of the bloodiest battles in the Mexican Revolution. Villa's North Division successfully protected Zacatecas which led to Huerta's resignation on June 15th. At this point he goes into exile in Europe, then he attempts to reenter Mexico threw the US. Then, he is held under house arrest until his death. Huerta died in 1916. -
Convention of Aguascalientes
This was a major convention that was held between October and November of 1914 between the four "powerholders" of the revolution. That was Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Venustiano Carranza and Alvaro Obregon. During the Revolution they announced that Carranza was going to be president. He refused to step down from power and they declared him in rebellion. The convention also was made up of villistas who influenced the views of other delgates at the convention. -
Battle of Celaya
The Battle of Celaya was part of a series of military engagements in the Bajío during the civil war between the winners, who allied against the regime of Victoriano Huerta and then fought each other for the control of Mexico. Obregon finishes what he started a few days ago. After the fight, Obregon sends report to Carranza and claims that Villa has lost 32 cannon, 5,000 rifles, and 1,000 horses. From Villa's men, 3,000 ended up dead, and 6,000 men were taken prisoner. -
Americans Get Attacked
President abandons Villa, which makes him very angry. He turns against the United States. In January of 1916 he kidnapped 18 Americans from a Mexican train and slaughtered them. A few weeks later he led an army of 1,500 Mexicans across the border. He raided a small town in Columbus, New Mexico. He killed 19 Americans and left them. -
Ratification of Constitution of 1917
In January of 1917 General Pershing withdrew from Mexico without coming close to capturing Villa. On February 5th the Constitution of 1917 was ratified in Queretaro. On March 11th Carranza announced his acceptance of the constitution. On March 11th Carnage politically broke with Obregon and assumes control of the war ministry. On May 5th Lorenzo Vazquez rebelled and attempted to hold secret talks with Carranza. -
Zapatta Gets Assasinated
Emiliano Zapata, a leader of peasants and indigenous people during the Mexican Revolution, is ambushed and shot to death in Morelos by government forces. -
Poor Workers During Mexican Revolution
Many workers lived in poverty during the mexican revolution. Historically the members of the upper class were those who owned the land. That was the land the lower class discriminated. This changed with the Mexican Revolution of 1910. It has been estimated that as a result of the Revolution, the Mexican government gave out 50 percent of the land held by the landed upper classes. -
Ávaro Obregón Is President
Obregón made an alliance with Magana assuring him of Zapatista's support in his fight against Carranza. On May 7th Carranza fled to to Mexico City and was killed by a bodyguard in the Puebla Mounatins. On May 24th Adolfo de la Huerta was chosen to be president. On June 2nd 20,000 soldiers marched past the National Palace in support of the new leadership. On December 1st Obregon assumed his elected office as President of Mexico. -
The Mexican Revolution Ends
At the Battle of Eseranza, Obregon's forces defeated Huerta. Huerta then leaves Mexico. After this, minor assaults occured within the next few years. As a whole, however, the fighting ceased.