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Jayden was born! He would start going through the first stage meaning, the oral stage up to the age of 1. -
Stage 01: Oral Stage (Up to age 1)
During the oral stage,the infants primary source of interaction occurs through the mouth, the rooting and the sucking is very important for them. Through oral stimulation, the infact interacts with his caretakers and will receive his nourishments. Therefore, oral stimulation makes them feel comfortable and safe. Infants at the end of this stage end up developing a sense of trust and comfort. -
Stage 02: Anal Stage (1 to 3 years of age )
During the anal stage, Freud believed that the primary focus of the libido was on controlling bladder and bowel movements. The most important conflict through this stage is the toilet training, which means the child has to learn how to control his or her bodily needs.Developing this control leads to a sense of accomplishment and independence. Parents who utilize rewards for using the toilet at the appropriate time encourage positive outcomes and help children feel capable and productive. -
Stage 03: Phallic Stage (3 to 5 years of age)
During the phallic stage, the primary focus of the libido is on the genitals.Freud also believed that boys begin to view their fathers as a rival for the mother’s affections.The Oedipus complex describes these feelings of wanting to possess the mother and the desire to replace the father. The child begins to identify with the same-sex parent as a means of vicariously possessing the other parent. -
Stage 04: Latency Stage (5 to 11 years of age)
The stage begins around the time that children enter into school and become more concerned with peer relationships, hobbies and other interests.This stage is important in the development of social and communication skills and self-confidence. During this period is a time of exploration in which sexual energy is still present directed to their social lifes. -
Stage 05: Genital Stage (age 12 and up)
During the final stage of psychosexual development, the individual develops a strong sexual interest in the opposite sex. This stage begins during puberty but last throughout the rest of a person's life.If the other stages have been completed successfully, The individual should now be well-balanced, warm and caring.The goal of this stage is to establish a balance between the various life areas.