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Louis XVI Calls the Estates-General
With France becoming very close to bankruptcy bread riots began to spread, and also the nobles having fear of becoming taxed Louis XVI finally decided to call the Estates-General to meet at Versailes. To prepare for the meeting Louis made the three estates prepare notebooks called "cahiers" that listed their problems. Many of the third estate representatives were of the upper end being doctors and lawyers, and were familiar with the writing of many philosophers, they wanted to correct the -
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Louis XVI calls the Estates-General 2
financial crisis as well as they wanted reform. In May 1789 the meeting had taken place, however the third estate wanted the vote to be counted by head because traditionaly each estate got one vote, even though the third estate held most of the people, and the first and second estated would over rule the third estate 2-1. In June 1789 the third estate claimed to represent the people of France calling themselves the National Assembly. However, the National Assembly found there meeting hall locked -
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Louis XVI calls the Estates-General 3
so they moved to a nearby tennis court, so they took an oath called the "Tennis Court Oath" and they swore never to separate and meet wherever they needed untill a just constitution was established. -
Divieded French Socioty
In 1789 the French people are still divided into three estates, the 1st estate being the clergy, the 2nd being the nobility, and the 3rd being the vast majority. The first and second estates were tax free and held most of the money, but the third estate was poor and had to pay taxes to support the first and second estates lavish lifestyles. Eventualy with the lowering of wages combined with the shortage of bread caused bread prices to skyrocket and took nearly a months salery of the third estate -
Divieded French Socioty 2
to buy a single loaf of bread. However after this occured for some time the the economic reform begins and Louis XIV was not the right person to solve the economic issue due to the fact he was only interested in his lavish lifestyle and not taxing the first or second estate. In this time the Estates-General meeting had not been called in 175 years due to corruption. -
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National Assembly acts and Revolt
In this time with a great famine arising bread prices rise and wages get lower, making the third estate impequinius, spending 80% of their wages on bread. Marquis de Lafayette was an aristocrat orgonized "The Guard" and was the first group to use the red, white and blue badge that is used as France's flag currently. The "Paris Commune" was a more radical group and could move whole neighborhoods to protest. Feudalism ends on August 4 at an all night meeting, The Declaration of the Rights of Man -
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National Assembly acts and Revolt 2
was writen based somewhat off the American Declaration. This document ensured the natural right to all men, including liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. Olympe de Gouges wanted women to have the same rights as man, however during some resistance many were killed because of it. On October 5, nearly 6,000 women marched to Versailes for bread and wanted to see the king. However the king wasn't there and refused to leave, and the group demanded them to move in town so they -
Louis XVI calls the Estates General.
The Estates General had traditionally each estate had one vote and the 1st and 2nd estate outnumber the 3rd estate by 2-1 allowing the upper class to have the power, but the 3rd estate demanded the vote be by head count. -
The batille of the bastile
Over 800 Parisians assembled outside of the Bastille, the building was used to hold political prisoners as well as other prisoners. The purpose of this attack was to obtain weapons and gunpowder that they believed was stored there. After the comander refused to open the gates and opened fire on the crowd. Then they released several prisoners and found no weapons or gunpowder. -
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National Assembly acts and Revolt 3
didn't need to go as far to talk to them. Then the church is put under state control and those who refused to accept this would be punished. A new government is put in place that had a limited monarchy. Also, they King and his family tried to escape to Austria and was caught, sent back to Paris and was considered a traitor -
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Radicals take over
First rulers increased border patrols to prevent French ideas from entering there land. Emigres fled France because they had no power. And the Declaration of Pilnitz threatened France, they prepared for war. The new Legislative Assembly took office, lasting less than a year, due to their inflation of money. The sans-culottes wanted a government ruled by elected representatives. The Jacobins used writing to spread there republican cause. The radicals and European monarchs went to war. -
Threats from abroad.
The king of Prussia and the emporor of Austrria issued the Declaration of Pilnitz threatening to intervene to protect the monarchy of France. France started to prepare for war and the revolution was entering a more radical state. -
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The monarchy is abolished
On August 10, a crowd of Persians attacked the royal palace slaughtering the king's guards, but the royal family fled before they arrived. A month later a mob attacked prisons containing nobles killing about 1200 prisoners, say in bloodthirst and some say because od patriotism. the right to vote was extended to all male citizens. A new Constitution was writen, and all races of old order was erased. The king was as traitor and was killed, and in October his wife was also killed. -
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Nationalism Spreads
As the monarchys centralized power loyalty had moved to to king or queen. Nationalism was popular and people would celebrate there country at centers and even made dances. Also, troops marched to a song that would later become the national anthem of France -
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Reign of Terror
The Committe of Public Safety was created having almost absolute power. Creating a levy tax making all citizens contribute to the war effort. Robespierre had promised religous tolerance, and to abolish slavery, he had a good relationship with sans-culottes. He belived that Liberty could not be secured unless criminals are killed. Revolutionalryt courts held hasty trials and death sentances are common. At the time 17,000 are executed mostly byf alse acusations. Robspierre was executed on July 28. -
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Third stage of the Revolution
A new constitution is made, having a five man Directory, as well as two-house legislature, which are elected by property owning males. With this peace was made with Prussia and Spain, but still at war with Austria and Great Britian. With bread prices high the sans-culottes rioted, and were suppressed. In 1797 supporters of a constitutional monarchy took most of the legislature spots. And then Napoleon outwits the polititions and controles France.