French war on Austria and Prussia

  • Tensions Rise

    Tensions Rise
    On August 27, 1791 Austria and Prussia issued the Declaration of Pillnitz, stating that if France harm the king they will respond with military action.
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    On April 20, 1792 France declares war on Austria, for trying to restore the king's power.
  • Levée en masse

    Levée en masse
    Starting in 1793 the levée en masse was first decreed in 1792. It stated that all unmarried men ages 18-25 must enlist in the military.
  • The king is killed

    The king is killed
    January 21, 1793 after being found guilty of treason and trying to stop the french revolution, king Louis XVI was executed.
  • Great Britain joins

    Great Britain joins
    On February 1, 1793, France declared war on Great Britain bringing another country into the war.
  • Battle of Fleurus

    Battle of Fleurus
    On June 26, 1794 the french army won a huge victory against Austrian troops and gained the Austrian Netherlands. This battle was a big turning point in the war.
  • Peace of Basel

    Peace of Basel
    On April 5, 1795 France and Prussia signed the peace of Basel, ending Prussia's part in the War of the First Coalition. In return for Prussia signing the treaty, France returned all the land captured during the war east of the Rhine.
  • Siege of Mantua

    Siege of Mantua
    The Siege of Mantua took place between July 4 1796 and February 2 1797. During this siege, French troops blockaded all supply routes to a large Austrian fortress for many years. After about 6 months the Austrian troops surrendered themselves and their fortress.
  • Battle of Arcole

    Battle of Arcole
    The Battle of Arcole took place between November 15-17 1796. During this battle, the French took over the town of Arcole allowing them to cut off supply lines to their enemies.
  • Treaty of Campo Formio

    Treaty of Campo Formio
    On October 17, 1797 Napoleon and the Austrian monarchy signed the treaty of Campo Formio. This treaty ended the conflict and created peace between the two countries.