
French Revoulution

  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
  • Declaration of the Rights of Men

  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
  • Mirabeau elected President of French Assembly

  • The King attempt to flee to Varennes

    The King attempt to flee to Varennes
    He is noticed fleeing and brought back to Paris. When he returns he is suspended of his duties.
  • The massacre of the Champs de Mars

  • First Meeting of the Assembly

  • France declares war on Austria

  • Jacobin storm the Tuileries Place

  • Danton starts the killings of 1200 Royalist held in prison

  • Excution of the King

  • Mme Roland is Arrested

  • Marie-Antoinette is excuted

  • Mme Roland is Excuted

  • Robespierre is excuted

    The Reign of Terror ends