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French Revolution: Top 10

  • Storming of the Bastille begins French Revolution

    July 14, 1789 an angry mob storms the Bastille, a Paris prison, searching for gunpowder and weapons. This occurred because the people of France, specifically Paris, felt that Louis was using his military force to dismiss the National Assembly. Other thought the power was being brought in to kill French citizens. The mob killed 100 people and ultimately took over the Bastille. This is one o the first acts of revolt, beginning the French Revolution.
  • Limited Monarchy

    When Louis reluctantly agreed to limited monarchy as a posed to absolute, parts of modern government were created. This will end up leading to LOTS some good, some bad. That being said the new government didn't fix all of France's problems. Issues such as food shortages still remained. Ultimately this created three different groups that we think of today as left, center and right. Eventually these would become political parties.
  • Invention of the Guillotine

    When the guillotine was introduced to France in 1792 it was used as capital punishment. It was much quicker than other forms of punishment so some people actually felt it wasn't enough of a spectacle. That being said there were often multiple be-headings a day. in the last 132 days of the reign of terror, 2,100 people were killed.
  • French Revolutionary Battles Begin

    Many European countries viewed revolutionary France as dangerous which ultimately lead to the beginning of the French Revolutionary War. France anticipated an attack so it declared war on Prussia and Austria.
  • Parisians stormed Tuileries

    Prussian forces (who wanted France and Louis to return to Absolute Monarchy) were moving towards Paris. Their commander said that if any revolutionaries hurt the royals they would ruin Paris. Well 20,000 Parisians stormed the Tuileries, killed guards and imprisoned the royal family. This ended up triggering many raids and massacres.
  • Reign of Terror begins

    During the Reign of terror prices of basic staples went up. But there were also about 16,000 killing by the guillotine. Many French Revolution leaders, radicals and moderates alike, had either been killed or had fled.
  • King Louis XVI Executed

    People began thinking of Louis as a traitor after he tried to flee the country. This is what ultimately caused the storming of Tuileries which is when Lois is captured and ends u being tried for treason. He is found guilty on the 15th of January. On January 21st the people marched Louis to the Guillotine and beheaded him. Queen Mary was also executed.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    The Reign of Terror finally ended on July 28th, 1794 when Robespierre was executed by the guillotine. People were over all the of terror and sky rocketing prices on basic needs. after the reign of terror another government plan, making it the third change since the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon Appointed to lead French Army

    The directory appoints Napoleon to lead the French army against the Austrians. He had many success but also a few losses. When he got stuck in Egypt he couldn't beat Horotia Nelson's forces. He managed to keep these losses out of the papers so he remained a hero to the people of France. He became a very well known hero to the French people.
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor

    When Napoleon puts himself up to be an emperor many of the voters agree with him. When he is appointed, instead of the pope putting the grown on Napolean's head, he puts it on his own head. This signifies that Napoleon has more power than the pope. Ultimately he ends up creating a huge empire.