French Revolution timline

  • Louis the XVi Summons the Estates Generals

    Louis the XVi Summons the Estates Generals
    Louis the 16th had summoned the estates general for the first time in many years in France's history. During this period France was in a financial crisis so Louis the XVI decided it would be a good idea to get some feedback from the people of France. The Estates General is somewhat like the parliament of France. This parliament of France would contain the clergy, the nobles, and the common people.
  • The Tennis court oath

    The Tennis court oath
    The tennis court oath was a very important moment in Francis history. This oath was signed by almost all members of the Third Estate because they were kicked out of meeting with the Estates general. the people of France had been under hardships and being following corrupt rule of Louis the XVI and this hardship and Rule motivated the people of France to petition and protest for a constitution for equal rights of all people in France including the commoners and peasants.
  • Storming of the bastille

    Storming of the bastille
    The storming of the Bastille is still one of the most notable days in France. It represents the retaliation which, gained the French people freedom on that day. Due to all the uproar and anger the people were feeling in the streets, the people of France decided to storm the castle of the Bastille. When storming the Castle they overtook a monument, which was known as having such supreme royal authority. This was the day that Paris was taken back by the people and the King lost control.
  • Declaration of The Rights of Man

    Declaration of The Rights of Man
    The Declaration of the rights of men, is another historic event in France's history. This event was the day where the people in the former third estate gained the rights of freedom and they gained a constitution, which they were pushing for a long time ago. Now everyone in France had equal rights and equal say in current events and matters about the country.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    March on Versailles Is a monumental moment for women in France. This day started out as a outburst of women being upset due to the high prices of food in the marketplace. This then escalated and unfolded into a intricate and violent mob that protested and marched their way down to the king and told him they're demands. Woman on that day gained more freedom and equality in France.
  • Flight to varennes

    Flight to varennes
    The flight of varennes started on june 20th 1791 and continued into the 21st. The royal family attempted to escape their castle in paris but was unsuccessful. The reason it is called the flight to varennes is because their voyage only lasted until they were arrested in the town varennes. Because of the flight to varennes the king was charged with treason which ultimately led up to his execution.
  • France declares war on austria

    France declares war on austria
    The war france declared upon austria started on april 20th 1792. France wanted to declare this war because revolutionaries(people who engage in revolution) though it would unify the country and help spread the revolutionary ideas to other european countries. At the beginning of the war france as a country did very poor, but their army had strengthened as the war went on.
  • French republic established

    French republic established
    The national convention was established a month after the revolutionaries arrested the king. This proclaimed the abolition of the monarchy and established the french republic. The french republic being established made it so there was no more monarchy in france and a new constitution. The people who lived in the second and third estate were the cause of the french republic being established because of the tennis court oath.
  • Execution of louis xvI

    Execution of louis xvI
    The execution of louis xvI was one of the most crucial events taking place in the french revolution because it had a cause and effect. The cause was the flight to varennes and the effect was the reign of terror. Louis xvI was executed by the guillotine in paris whilst many were watching which was one of the reasons to the start the reign of terror.
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    The revolutionaries arresting the king when he commited treason and executing him caused the people of france to start the reign of terror. During this period of time in france there was a large of amount of fighting between the girondins and the jacobins. The girondins wanted to establish a constitutional monarchy and the jacobins wanted to abolish the monarchy all together. During this period 16,594 people were executed by the guillotine and another 25,000 were executed without trial
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    The revolutionaries arresting the king when he commited treason and executing him caused the people of france to start the reign of terror. During this period of time in france there was a large of amount of fighting between the girondins and the jacobins. The girondins wanted to establish a constitutional monarchy and the jacobins wanted to abolish the monarchy all together. During this period 16,594 people were executed by the guillotine and another 25,000 were executed without trial