French revolution timeline project

  • Tennis court oath

    the third estate jocked out their usaul meeting place,gathered in a nearby tennis court and pledged to stay united until they created a new constituition for france.It was a poweful moment of determination and sugnificant step towards the revolution
  • writing of the declaration of the rights of men

    the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen was a fundumental document document adopted bt the national assembly of proclaimed the inherent rights and freedoms of all men,including liberty,equality and was a significanr step towards establishing a more and equitable society during the french revolution
  • Parsians storming the bastille

    it was a pivotal event during the french revolution when parisains stormed the fortress prisn in search of weapns and ammunition,marking the beginning of the revoltion.this date is now celebrated as bastille day in france
  • March on versailles

    the march on versailles was significant event during the French revolution in was led by a group of women who marched from paris to the palace of versailles to protest againest the high prices of breed and demand action from king louis XVI.The march ulimitely forced the royal family to leave versailles and return to paris,marking a turning point in the revolution.
  • Louis XVIII call Estates General

    Louis XVI was the last King of France before the French Revolution. He ascended to the throne in 1774 and faced numerous challenges during his reign, including financial crises and social unrest. Louis XVI's inability to effectively address these issues ultimately led to his downfall and execution during the French Revolution.
  • Reign of Terror

    the reign of terror which took place during the french revolution from 1793 to 1794,was a period charectized by extreme violence and political repression.It was marked by mass executions,arrests,and the supression of political opposition
  • execution of the king

    the execution of the king and queen during the french revolution was a tragic event that occured on january 21 1793.King louis XVI and queen marie Antoinette were both sentenced to death by guillotine,symbolizing the end of the monarchy and the rise of the revolution.this event had a profound impact on the course of the monarchy and the rise of the revolution.
  • Napoleon overthrows the directory

    Napoeleon Bonapartes overthrow of the directory occured on novemeber 9 179.This event marked the end of the french revoltion and the beginning of Napoleons rise to power
  • napoleon builds an empire

    After establishing his power as first consul,Napoleon Bonaparte went on to build the french empire.This period known as the napoleon empire lasted from 1804 to 1814.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleons invasion of russia was a disatrous military campaign that took place in 1812.Despite initally making progress,the hars russian winter and feirce resistence from the russian army.
  • establishment of the new french constitution

    the establishment of the new french constitution was a significant event in in french involved the creation and adoption of a new set of fundamental laws that govern the country.the process likely included discussions,debates,and negotions amoung various stakeholders to ensure that the constitution reflected the values and aspirations of the the french people.