French Revolution Timeline Project

  • Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    France had grown bleak in political and financial situations, so Louis XVI summoned the Estates General. This assembly was composed of three estates called the clergy, nobility, and commoners. They had the power to decide on the levying of new taxes and to undertake reforms in the country. It was important because it ended when the Third Estate formed into a National Assembly. Signaling the outbreak of the French Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    It was here that they made the famous Oath of the Real Tennis Room,“We swear never to separate and to meet wherever circumstances require until the kingdom's Constitution is established and grounded on solid foundations.” They basically swore an oath for framing a constitution. It was an important part of the French Revolution because it represented the power of the people.It shows us that political authority derived from the people and their representatives rather than from the monarchy.
  • Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men

    Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men
    Men are born free and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can be based only on public utility. The aim of every political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression. It is important because it helped to form the foundation of the French Revolution. In hopes of ending the monarchy and establishing a democracy in France.
  • Parisians storming the Bastille

    Parisians storming the Bastille
    It all started when some people wanted to invade a prison. Revolutionary insurgents attempted to storm and seize control of the medieval protected, fortress and political prison known as the Bastille. It is important because this is what signalled the start of the French Revolution. After which a republic was established based on the ideals of 'liberty, equality, fraternity'.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    March on Versailles is a Women riot that took place during this first stage of the French Revolution in Paris. They complained about the high price and scant availability of bread, marching from Paris to Versailles. This is important because it was one of the significant events of the French Revolution. Eventually forcing the royals to return to Paris.
  • Establishment of the New French Constitution

    Establishment of the New French Constitution
    After long negotiations, a new constitution was reluctantly accepted by Louis XVI. Redefining the organization of the French government, citizenship, and the limits to the powers of government, the National Assembly set out to represent the interests of the public. It is important because it made a new structure for the government of France. Basically, it limited the powers of the monarchy of France, delegated legislative powers to an elected National Assembly, and created an elected judiciary.
  • Execution of the King and Queen

    Execution of the King and Queen
    King Louis XVI of France and his wife Queen Marie Antoinette were both beheaded by the guillotine. It happened at the Place of the Revolution in Paris. It is important because Louis' death emboldened revolutionaries throughout the country. Who continued to alter French political and social structure radically over the next several years.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    It was during the period of the French Revolution that had violence and mass executions. France's revolutionary government ordered the arrest and execution of thousands of people. It is important because the Reign of Terror instituted the conscripted army. Which saved France from invasion by other countries and in that sense preserved the Revolution.
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon Overthrows the Directory
    The coup detat of 18 Brumaire brought Napoleon Bonaparte to power as First Consul of France. It ended the French Revolution and led to the coronation of Napoleon as emperor. This bloodless coup detat overthrew the Directory, replacing it with the French Consulate. It was important because the French Revolution Directory was an influential but essentially powerless form of government created. As one of the final attempts by revolutionaries to form a solid and lasting government for France.
  • Napoleon Builds an Empire

    Napoleon Builds an Empire
    Napoleon gained success during the French Revolutionary Wars by defending France and effectively defeating the Coalition armies from 1792-1802. Napoleon became the First Consul in France by 1800 and led the French Empire into a new, and powerful, era. It is important because he wanted to control the rest of Europe and to reassert French power in the Americas. He envisioned his western empire including Louisiana, Florida, French Guiana, and the French West Indies.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    The Grande Army, led by French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, crossed the Neman River, invading Russia from present-day Poland. The result was a disaster for the French. The Russian army refused to engage with Napoleon's Grande Army of more than 500,000 European troops. It is important because the invasion of Russia effectively halted Napoleon's march across Europe. It also resulted in his first exile and to the Mediterranean island of Elba.
  • The congress of Vienna Meets

    The congress of Vienna Meets
    It was a series of international diplomatic meetings to discuss and agree upon a possible new layout of the European political. Also the constitutional order after the downfall of the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. It is important because the Congress of Vienna was the first of a series of international meetings that came to be known as the Concert of Europe. It was an attempt to forge a peaceful balance of power in Europe.
  • 6th Coalition Occupies Paris

    6th Coalition Occupies Paris
    It was a battle fought between Russia, Austria, Prussia and the French Empire. After a day of fighting in the suburbs of Paris, the French surrendered on March 31, ending the War of the Sixth Coalition and forcing Emperor Napoleon to abdicate and go into exile. It is important because with their armies reorganized, the allies drove Napoleon out of Germany and invaded France. The Allies defeated the remaining French armies, occupied Paris, and forced Napoleon to abdicate and go into exile.
  • King Louis XVIII Begins His Reign

    King Louis XVIII Begins His Reign
    He became king with the Bourbon Restoration of the monarchy after the overthrow of Napoleon I. He ruled a constitutional monarchy, meaning he was not the main leader of his government. It is important because Louis XVIII's reign saw France's first experiment in parliamentary government since the Revolution. The King was invested with executive powers and had “legislative initiative,” whereas a largely advisory parliament voted on laws and approved the budget.
  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo
    It was fought by Napoleon's French Army and a coalition led by the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blucher. It was a rage war for 23 years, it ended French attempts to dominate Europe, and destroyed Napoleon's imperial power forever. It is important because it ended France's attempt to take control of Europe. It was to dominate the continent.