Louis XIV Spends $100 Million to Build Palace at Versailles
Louis XIV Dies, Leaving France in Debt
Enlightenment or Age of Reason Reaches its Height
Louis XVI Marries Austrian Marie Antoinette
Louis XV Dies, also Leaving France in Debt from Wars Fought During his Reign; Louis XVI Takes Over
People of France are poor and hungry -
Declaration of Independence is Written and the Colonists Win the American Revolutionin 1781
Peasants are Mad about New Tax Plan; Louis calls First of Estates-General in 175 years
The Third Estate Declared Themselves the National Assembly and made the Tennis Court Oath
Fearing Louis would use Force to Dismiss the National Assembly, the People of Paris Stormed the Bastille
tore it down The Great Fear starts shortly after -
Declaration of Rights of Man Written Garunteeing Freedoms of Equality, Press, Religion & Justice
Royal Family Attempts to Escape but are caught and Arrested
Guillotine is Introduced
Jean-Paul Marat, a Member of the Radical Political Group Jacobins, is Stabbed in Bathtub by Charlotte Corday
Jacobin leader Maximillien Robespierre is Slowy Gaining Power - Wants to Erase France's Past
becomes leader of Committee of Public Safety and rules France for next year like a dictator. His rule was known as The Reign of Terror. -
King Louis is Executed by Guillotine
Marie Antoinette is Executed by Guillotine
Robespierre is Executed by Guillotine, Ending the Radical Phase of Revolution