French Revolution Timeline

By Artinim
  • Louis XVI Calls The Estates General

    Louis XVI Calls The Estates General
    Louis XVI called the Estates-General in 1789 to address France's financial crisis. This decision marked the first time the Estates-General had been converted in over 150 years, bringing together the representatives from the clergy, nobility, and commoners. The calling of the Estates-General was an important moment as it provided for grievances to be aired and reforms to be demanded. It led to the formation of the National Assembly and other events.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    .During the French Revolution, a significant event took place known as the Tennis Court Oath. The Third Estate, which represented common people, assembled at a tennis court in Versailles. They took an oath to not dissolve the assembly until a new constitution was established. This event was a symbol of resistance against the monarchy and marked the beginning of the revolution. It demonstrated the unity of the Third Estate. It laid the foundation for the establishment of the National Assembly.
  • Parisians Storming The Bastille

    Parisians Storming The Bastille
    The storming of the Bastille was a major event during the French Revolution, where Parisians attacked and captured the Bastille prison. This event symbolized the overthrow of the monarch. It was important because it showed the power of the people and their willingness to take action against the oppressive regime. It led to the dismantling of the feudal system, the end of the absolute monarchy, and the start of a new era of democracy in France,
  • Writing Of The Declaration Of The Rights Of Men

    Writing Of The Declaration Of The Rights Of Men
    A document adopted by the National Assembly during the French Revolution. It proclaimed the fundamental rights and freedoms of the French People. A great importance to the French Revolution as it laid the groundwork for a new democratic society. It challenged the existing and political order.
  • March On Versailles

    March On Versailles
    The March of Versailles, also known as the October March, was a significant event during the French Revolution where thousands of women from Paris marched to Versailles to protest against food shortages and high prices. The march highlighted the discontent of the common people.The March of Versailles was important to the French Revolution as it forced King Louis XVI and the royal family to return to Paris . It demonstrated the power of the people and their ability to mobilize.
  • Establishment Of The New French Constitution

    Establishment Of The New French Constitution
    The Establishment of the New French Constitution refers to the adoption of the Constitution of 1791, which replaced the absolute monarchy with a constitutional monarchy. It established a limited monarchy and separated powers. It marked a significant political transformation. It represented a shift away from absolute monarchy and towards a more democratic system of government.
  • Execution Of The King

    Execution Of The King
    The Execution of the King refers to the execution of King Louis XVI on January 21, 1793. It was a pivotal event during the French Revolution and symbolized the end of the monarchy and the beginning of the radical phase of the revolution. It symbolized the triumph of the revolutionaries over the monarchy and the establishment of a republic. It further polarized the French society and intensified the conflict between the revolutionaries and the counter-revolutionaries.
  • Reign Of Terror

    Reign Of Terror
    The Reign of Terror was a period during the French Revolution characterized by mass executions and political repression. It was led by the Committee of Public Safety, headed by Maximilien Robespierre, and aimed to eliminate counter-revolutionary forces. The Reign of Terror was important to the French Revolution as it represented a radical and extreme phase of the revolution. It aimed to consolidate the power of the revolutionaries and eliminate opposition, but it also created a climate of fear.
  • Napoleon Overthrows The Directory

    Napoleon Overthrows The Directory
    Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory in the Coup of 18 Brumaire marked the end of the revolutionary government and the establishment of the Consulate, with Napoleon as First Consul. This event consolidated Napoleon's power and marked a shift towards a more authoritarian rule. It brought stability and ended the political chaos that had plagued the country. It also marked the rise of Napoleon as a powerful leader
  • Napoleon Builds An Empire

    Napoleon Builds An Empire
    Napoleon's building of an empire refers to his conquests and establishment of a vast empire across Europe. Through military campaigns, Napoleon expanded French territory and established satellite states under his influence. it spread the ideals of the revolution across Europe. The Napoleonic Code, a legal system implemented in the conquered territories, promoted equality. Napoleon's empire also led to resistance and opposition from other European powers, ultimately leading to his downfall
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 was a military campaign that ended in disaster for the French army. The harsh Russian winter, along with guerrilla warfare tactics employed by the Russian forces, led to the defeat and retreat of Napoleon's army. It marked a turning point in his military career and the decline of his power. The defeat in Russia weakened Napoleon's hold on Europe, leading to increased opposition from other European powers and ultimately contributing to his downfall.
  • The Congress Of Vienna Meets

    The Congress Of Vienna Meets
    The Congress of Vienna was a diplomatic conference held in 1814-1815 to reestablish order and stability in Europe following the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. The major European powers gathered to negotiate and redraw the map of aimed to restore stability after years of conflict and upheaval. It sought to undo the revolutionary changes and social reforms brought about by the French Revolution and reestablish conservative monarchies across Europe.
  • 6th Coalition Occupies Paris

    6th Coalition Occupies Paris
    The 6th Coalition's occupation of Paris in 1814 marked the end of Napoleon's rule and the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France. The coalition, comprised of major European powers, entered Paris after Napoleon's abdication and took control of the city. It signaled the end of the revolutionary era and the return to a monarchy. The Bourbon monarchy was reinstated, undoing many of the revolutionary reforms and ideals.
  • King Louis XVIII Begins His Reign

    King Louis XVIII Begins His Reign
    King Louis XVIII began his reign in 1814 after the fall of Napoleon and the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy. His ascension marked the return of the monarchy and the end of the revolutionary period in France. It represented the restoration of the old regime and the attempt to bring stability and order to France after years of upheaval. However, it also highlighted the tensions between the desire for a return to monarchy and the ideals of the revolution.
  • Napoleon Defeated At Waterloo

    Napoleon Defeated At Waterloo
    Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 was a decisive moment for the French Revolution. It marked the end of Napoleon's Hundred Days and his final attempt to regain power. The defeat at Waterloo led to his abdication and exile. It definitively ended his rule and the era of Napoleonic domination in Europe. It solidified the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy and marked the final downfall of the revolutionary ideals and principles that had shaped France for over a decade.