Louis XVl crowned King of France
Louis XVl was crowned king after the death ouf his father, who died from Gangrene. With his Austrian wife, Marie Antoinette, by his side, what could go wrong? -
Calling of the Estates- General
This was the first meeting since 1974 and it is unfortunate that they did not meet on better terms.
Each Estate had only 1 vote, even though the 3rd estate was extremly bigger then the other 2. -
The Formation of the National Assembly
The 3rd Estate was tired of the other estates' mess and deiced that they would become their own thing. In a way, it was a better, bigger, club that the king got scared of and locked them out of the meeting place. -
The Tennsi Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath happends after King Louis locked the National Assembly out of the meeting. They pledged to stay put until the King and the 2nd and 1st Estates listiend to them.
Everyone took the Oath, except for 1. -
Attack on Bastille
The Attack on the Bastille append after the king decided to try to scare the National Essambly by ordering his army to suround the Versailles. As a result they stormed the Bastille, let 7 prisoners free, and took all the weapons/gun powder inside. I -
Great Fear
It was a period of panic and riot by peasants and others amid rumours of an “aristocratic conspiracy” by the king and the privileged to overthrow the Third Estate.
it ended on August 3, 1789. -
French Women force Lousi XVl to leave Versailles
AKA the Women's March onVersailles. This was an act of the women of france after hearing that Marie Antoinettei was "hiding" bread in her room. -
Declaration of war against Austria
Austria did not want its own people to think that they to could break free for the kings rule, so it went to war with France. It hoped to bring King Louis back into power. -
The National Convention is formed
it governed france during the most critical period ofthe French Revolution. The Convention numbered 749 deputies, including businessmen, tradesmen, and many professional men. -
Louis XVl is executed
Louis was beheaded by guillotine on the Place de la Revolution after he was proven guilty.
The executioner was Charles Henri Sanson.
At the time of his death the clock in the Versailles stoped on 7:45 am; it has not been fixed til this day. -
The Reign ofl Terror 1793-1794
The Reign of terror was a period were everyone was paraniod and killing anyone who seemed strange or aginst the revolution. The death toll ranged in the tens of thousands, with 16,594 executed by guillotine.
"Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible"
(only the month and year are correct) -
Period: to
Reign of terror
(Only the year and month is correct) The Reign of terror was a period were everyone was paraniod and killing anyone who seemed strange or aginst the revolution. The death toll ranged in the tens of thousands, with 16,594 executed by guillotine.
"Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible" -
The Thermidorian Reaction
The Thermidorian Reaction was a revolt within the French Revolution against the leadership of the Jacobin Club over the Committee of Public Safety.
The name Thermidorian refers to 9 Thermidor Year II (27 July 1794). -
The Directory is Formed
The Directoire is a government set up by the Constitution of the year 111. It included a bimaeral leglature know as the Crops Legislatif. -
Period: to
The Directory is formed
The Directory was a form of goverment created during the French Revoltion. It included a bicameral legislature know asthe Crops Legislatif. Napolenon overthrows its on the 9th. -
Napoleon takes power
Napoleon came into power at a time when France was having money issues. The people loved Napoleon and he even mad his own set of laws called the Napolenic Code. -
Napoleon Invades Russia
Napoleon invades Russia like a boss that just found out his wife cheats on him. He failed to take over Russia.
In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia with about 600,000 men and over 50,000 horses. His plan was to bring the war to a conclusion within twenty days by forcing the Russians to fight a major battle