French Revolution Timeline

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    It was where Louis XVI Called the First, Second, and Third estates to meet. It was Summoned because of The financial crisis in France. The third estate was being over taxed and they were the ones making the least amount of money.
  • Tennis court oath.

    Tennis court oath.
    The third estate meet up in a tennis court because it was the biggest building left for all of them to meet up in. They said that they wouldn't leave until they get a new constitution. The king gave in and the first and second estate joined them.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The storming of Bastille happened in Pairs. It was where 800 people stood outside a medieval fortress. So that prisoners could be released, and The commander Starting shooting the People, and the people started to revolt.
  • Constitution accepted by Louis XVI

    Constitution accepted by Louis XVI
    The new french constitution was accepted in July of 1790. It was created after the Absolute monarchy was destroyed. It took them a while to get it accepted.
  • Death of Mirabeau

    Death of Mirabeau
    Mirabeau supported the Monarch Constitution, He also died of natural causes. He was a member of the Jacobin Club up until he died. and for some time served as the Jacobin president.
  • Execution of Loius XVI

    Execution of Loius XVI
    He was executed because they convicted him of Conspiracy with foreign powers. He was executed in Paris. By getting his head chopped off and shown around town.
  • Battle of Fleurus

    Battle of Fleurus
    The battle Took place in The Austrian Netherlands. It was a french victory. They say that it was a turning point for the french army. It was The French Republic vs. Great Britain, The Dutch Republic, and The Hapsburg Monarchy.
  • Battle of Lodi

    Battle of Lodi
    The Battle of Lodi took place in modern day Italy. It was a French victory. It was the French fighting against the Habsburg Monarchy. Napoleon Bonaparte was the main general in the battle for the French.
  • Treaty of Campo Formio

    Treaty of Campo Formio
    The treaty was a Peace treaty between France and Austria. It was signed at Camp Formio. Napoleon Bonaparte beat Austria in France's Italy campaign.
  • Battle of the Nile

    Battle of the Nile
    The battle of the Nile took place in Egypt. It was between the French and The British. The French was defeated by the British. The French were trying to drive The Britain's out of Egypt, They didn't succeed.