french revolution timeline

  • calling of the estates general

    representatives of the three estates met to come to a decision of what they wanted to do.
  • tennis court oath

    when the third estate was locked out they met at a tennis court to have their own meeting
  • storming of the bastille

    the third estate stormed it and killed many of the nobles.
  • feudalism abolished

    feudalism was finally abolished because everyone was fed up with the unfair privileges.
  • declaration of the rights of man

    created to ensure the quality of men.
  • march on versailles

    woman marched to versailles to demand bread.
  • royal family flees paris

    The royal family tries to flee paris and gets caught at Varenne.
  • france goes to war with austria

    the french goverment declared war on austria
  • Paris Mob Attacks the Tuileries

    A mob turned against the king an ordered the king to create a new constitution.
  • September Massacres

    an angry mob led by marat killed 1600 prisoners
  • The Republic of Virtue

    the jacobins basically replaced the old regime with the republic of virtue
  • The Execution of Louis XVI

  • Levee en Masse

    when all unmarried men 18-25 were drafted for the war
  • The Execution of Robespierre

    Robespierre was killed.
  • Napoleon's Coup d'etat

    when all the power was handed over napoleon also debated as the end of the revolution
  • passing of the civil code

    The Napoleonic Code was not the first legal code to be established in a European country with a civil legal system
  • the coronation of napoleon

    the coronation of napoleon bonaparte
  • exile to elba

    Napoleon I was exiled to Elba after his forced abdication
  • 100 days

    a period of time between napoleons return to paris from elba and louis XVIII's return
  • battle of waterloo

    when napoleon got annihilated
  • congress of vienna

    It's goal was to create a balance of power in Europe. started november 1814 and ended in june 1815
  • exile to St. Helena island

    when napoleon was forced to step down from power