French Revolution Timeline

By KShaw
  • The Estates-General of 1789

    The Estates-General of 1789
    Louis XVI calls upon the estates-general in hopes that it would solve France's financial issues. The assembly was composed of three estates, the clergy, nobility, and commoners. The impact on this event resulted in the third estate forming the “National Assembly” that represented the commoners of France.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The National Assembly established an oath so they don’t separate until there is a new constitution established. The effect of this oath would later form the Declaration of Rights of Man, but it also showed the start of a dislike towards Louis XVI.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The revolutionaries/third estate stormed Bastille, a prison because of the need for gunpowder in their empty muskets. This was because of the alleged rumor that the French army was going to attack the commoners. The revolutionaries ended up taking the upper hand and it would give confidence to those to stand up to the nobles and end the monarchy.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Seventeen Articles by the National Assembly that was written to serve the purpose of men being free and equal. Inputs from the declaration included many people of the french enlightenment and this later served as a preamble to the constitution of 1791.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    A group of people, primarily women, charged to Versailles because of the high bread prices. When they arrived at the palace, several guards were killed and people demanded to see the king and queen. The impact of this march forced Louis XVI and Marie Antoniette to be held in Paris.
  • Civil Constitution of the French Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the French Clergy
    Established to try and regulate the Roman Catholic church of France because of the corruption between the church. This constitution made many religious members turn against the revolution.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    A constitution put in place so it would put the new government’s power in place. The 1791 constitution lasted for less than a year, but it marked the beginning of France being a constitutional monarchy.
  • France declares war on Austria

    France declares war on Austria
    France declares war on Austria because they wanted to unite and spread revolutionary ideas throughout Europe. This would later lead to the Battle of Valmy.
  • First use of guillotine

    First use of guillotine
    The guillotine was first used to test out its effectiveness(first with animals, then with corpses). This would begin the device’s official debut and later be infamous for beheading the king and queen.
  • Storm Tuileries Palace

    Storm Tuileries Palace
    The people of Paris attack Tuileries Palace because of the poor economics France has been placed in. Most of the commoners attacked the soldiers and this event ended the Bourbon monarchy in France.
  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed
    Louis XVI died by the guillotine. He was convicted of treason because he wasn’t willing to give up his power to the government. This would be the end of the last absolutist king in France.
  • New Constitution proclaimed

    New Constitution proclaimed
    The second constitution during the French Revolution. It ended up being suspended later that October, however, it took inspiration from the constitution two years earlier. Its effect lasted as it favored a revolutionary government, but it did set the framework for a democratic republic.
  • Marie Antoinette executed

    Marie Antoinette executed
    She was convicted the same as her husband and sent to the guillotine because of the rumors of her closeness with Austria. Marie would be the last ever French queen.
  • Robespierre guillotined

    Robespierre guillotined
    Robespierre was beheaded, but with no conviction, as there was no trial for Maximilien. His followers were also executed, and this would bring an end to The Reign of Terror & the Jacobins.
  • Committee of Public Safety founded

    A formed committee of the Revolution was formed because it was supposed to support war as a council. Its impact would spread across France as it was established during the Reign of Terror.