French Revolution Timeline

By Nazy1
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution has started and things are going haywire in France
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The third estate took the tennis court oath "not to separate and reassemble wherever circumstances require
  • Storming of Bastille

    Peasents broke into a prison freed 7 prisoners, stole weapons and beheaded a guard.
  • The Signing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man

    its a fundamental document of the french revolution and in the history of human and civil right
  • The Beheading of Louis XVI and Marie Anoinete

    they were taken on a guillotine at the revolution square were there heads were chopped off there bodies.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    was a period of violence that occurred after onset of the french revolution and marked by mass executions or enemies of the revolution.
  • Napoleon's coup de'tate' of the French Government

    over threw the system of government under the directory in France.
  • Napoleon Code of Law Established

    is the civil code established under napoleon
  • Napoleon defeated in Russia

    napoleon attended to start was with russia and win but he lost and 20,000 soilders died of frezzing, stravation or got killed
  • Battle of Waterloo

    a french army under the command of napoleon was defeted by two armies of the seventh coalition